American Education History Timeline

  • The Ursuline Academy of New Orleans is founded.

    Ursuline Academy felt it was necessary for females to have an education and be a functioning part of society.
  • Christian Wolff describes the human mind as consisting of powers or faculties

    Faculty Psychology was a main part of education within the 19th century. Traces of Faculty Psychology is still seen within education today.
  • The Connecticut Asylum at Hartford for the Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons opens.

    Mason F. Cogswell brought light to blind and "dumb" people being deserving of education.
  • Massachusetts passes a law requiring towns of more than 500 families to have a high school for all students.

    Children are not discriminated against and have an equal opportunity to earn an education.
  • Horace Mann becomes Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education.

    Mann made school funding, teacher training and universal education a priority.
  • The African Institute opens in Cheyney, Pennsylvania

    The African Institute now known as Cheyney University was created for African Americans to earn a higher education.
  • The Department of Education was created.

    The Department of Education is essential to help schools become as effective as possible.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown versus the Board of Education was and still is crucial to education within schools today. Brown v. Board of Education is a substantial part of understanding equality within the school.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    The "No Child Left Behind Act" was signed into law so children who had disadvantages within school had an equal chance of success along with students whom did not have disadvantages.
  • International Association for K-12 Online Learning

    K-12 a non-profit organization for online schooling launched as a formal cooperate entity.
  • The Common Core State Standards Initiative.

    Common Core State Standards were developed for college and career readiness. This changed what is expected of students to learn during their time in school.
  • American Reinvestment and Recovery Act

    The Recovery Act awarded the Department of Education $97.4 billion dollars. The money went toward local schools for repair and to save jobs. The money also went toward the Race to the Top program costing 4.35 billion dollars.
  • Quest to Learn opens their doors.

    Quest to Learn is a school that bases curricula around playing games to promote learning.
  • "Too Much Testing" Movement

    The Too Much Testing Movement came into place because Obama along with Florida's education leaders believe that standardized testing did not test students equally.
  • The World Health Organization declares COVID-19 a pandemic.

    President Trump declared a nationwide emergency due to the corona virus of 2020 resulting in schools shutting down forcing students to learn without face to face interaction with teachers.