American Culture in the 1950s

By Abby M
  • First Peanuts Cartoon Strip Published

    First Peanuts Cartoon Strip Published
    This is important because it was the start of probably th most beloved cartoon of all time.
  • Color TV is Introduced

    Color TV is Introduced
    The first color program was caked "Premiere". It aired in four cities, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington D.C.
    The colors were not perfect but overall, it was a success.
  • Princess Elizabeth Becomes Queen

    Princess Elizabeth Becomes Queen
    After the death of King George VI, his oldest daughter Elizabeth became queen at 25 years old. Her coronation took place on June 2, 1953.
  • Segregation Ruled Illegal in the U.S.

    Segregation Ruled Illegal in the U.S.
    On May 17, 1954, Supreme Court overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson decision from 1896 and ruled segregation to be "inherently unequal".
  • Disneyland Opens

    Disneyland Opens
    On July 177, 1955, Disneyland, located in Anaheim, California, was opened to inviteed people only. But the next day, it was opened to the public. Walt Disney got the idea for the park from taking his daughters play on the carousel in Griffith Park every Sunday.
  • James Dean Dies in Car Accident

    James Dean Dies in Car Accident
    On September 30, 1955, well known actor James Dean died in a head- on collision while driving his new car. He was only 24 years old.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
    In Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man while ridng te bus. She was arrested and fined for breaking the laws of segregation.
  • LEGO Toy Bricks are first introduced

    LEGO Toy Bricks are first introduced
    LEGO comes from Leg Godt which means "play well". They were first inroduced in 1932, but became popular in 1958.
  • Peace Symbol Created

    Peace Symbol Created
    The peace sign was created by Gerald Holtom as a symbol against nuclear arms. It debuted on April 4, 1958.
  • Fidel Castro becomes dictator of Cuba

    Fidel Castro becomes dictator of Cuba
    Castro had been trying to dictate Cuba since 1952 and got appoint in 1959.