American Conflict

  • Invasion of Kuwait

    Invasion of Kuwait
    The Invasion of Kuwait, also known as the Iraq–Kuwait War, was a major conflict between Ba'athist Iraq and the Emirate of Kuwait. This conflict resulted in the seven-month-long Iraqi occupation of Kuwait. Lasted from August 2nd to August 4th 1990
  • Period: to

    War in Iraq Timeline

    A series of events both good and bad that occurred during the time of the war in iraq
  • UN Resoulution 687

    UN Resoulution 687
    Required Iraq to destroy its nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons along with weapons of mass destruction and improvised explosive devices
  • 2002 State of the Union Address

    2002 State of the Union Address
    President Bush's speech made at the capital building on January 29th, 2002
  • Resolution 1441

    Resolution 1441
    A United Nations Security Council resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council on 8 November 2002, offering Iraq under Saddam Hussein one last chance to
  • Bush's "Operation Iraqi Freedom" Speech

    Bush's "Operation Iraqi Freedom" Speech
    President Bush's speech authorizing the mission to rid Iraq of Saddam Hussein and eliminate Hussein’s ability to develop WMD's
  • The Start of the "Shock and Awe" Campaign

    The Start of the "Shock and Awe" Campaign
    The beginning of the use of a new military tactic called shock and awe. Using overwhelming power and dominant land maneuvers Used from March 19, 2003- April 14, 2003
  • Coalition Forces capture Baghdad

    Coalition Forces capture Baghdad
    Coalition forces invaded Baghdad and took control
  • Bush's "Mission Accomplished" Speech

    Bush's "Mission Accomplished" Speech
    Speech given by President Bush on May 1st 2003. Speech gets its name from a banner that read "Mission Accomplished" displayed on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln during a televised address by United States President George W. Bush
  • Resolution 1443

    Resolution 1443
    Recalled all previous resolutions involving Iraq or Kuwait
  • The Iraqi Governing Council meet

    The Iraqi Governing Council meet
  • Hussein captured

    Hussein captured
    Saddam Hussein is captured by US military and is later hanged
  • Taguba Report

    Taguba Report
    an official Army Regulation in 2004 into the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse by United States in Iraq.
  • Operation Phantom Fury

    Operation Phantom Fury
    was a joint American, Iraqi, and British offensive in November and December 2004,
  • January 30th, 2005

    January 30th, 2005
    Iraqi people elect their first president.
  • Operation Lightning

    Operation Lightning
    A coalition counter-insurgency operation in Baghdad.
  • Al Zarqawi Killed

    Al Zarqawi Killed
  • Hussein Hanged

    Hussein Hanged
    Saddam Hussein is hanged for his crimes.
  • January !0th 2007 US Troop Surge

    January !0th 2007 US Troop Surge
  • US Hands over Green Zone Control to Iraq

    US Hands over Green Zone Control to Iraq
  • US Embassy in Iraq Opens

    US Embassy in Iraq Opens
  • United States Declares Official End to War in Iraq with Final Troop Drawdown

    United States Declares Official End to War in Iraq with Final Troop Drawdown