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American Civil Right Movements

  • JIm Crow Laws

    JIm Crow Laws
    The Jim Crow Laws were racial segregation laws in the United States. African Americans had a "seperate but equal" status. These laws led to inferior standards for African Americans.
  • Emmett Till Murdered

    Emmett Till Murdered
    After Emmett Till talked to a white woman, two white men hunted Till down and took him t a barn. At the barn, Till was brutally beaten, had one of his eyes gouged out and then killed.
  • Rosa Parks Arrested

    Rosa Parks Arrested
    On December 1, 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks refused to obey the bus driver when she was ordered to give up her site for a white male.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    On December 20, 1956 the bus boycott officially ended. The campaign started December 1, 1955, when Rosa Parks was arrested.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Nine African students enrolled in Little Rock Central High School. The Little Rock Nine needed a federal armed escort to make it to school.
  • March on Washingtion

    March on Washingtion
    Over 200,000 people marched on Washington, D.C for jobs and freedom. Martin Luther King delivered his famous "I Have A Dream" speech.
  • Malcolm X Shot Dead

    Malcolm X Shot Dead
    Malcolm X was a African American Muslim/Islam. He was an advocate for fighting racism, "by any means necessary". He was assassinated for leaving the Islam religion.
  • Martin Luther King Jr Assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr Assassinated
    While in Memphis, Tennessee, Martin Luther King Jr was standing on the second floor balcony of a motel when he was shot from across the street.
  • 1992 Los Angeles Riots

    1992 Los Angeles Riots
    In April 1992 a 26 year old black man was brutally beaten by four police officers. All four officers were acquitted of any charges, even though video evidence existed. This sparked a six day riot that ended when 3,500 soldiers reinforced the local police officers.
  • Barack Obama Elected as President

    Barack Obama Elected as President
    Nearly two years after Barack Obama announed he was running for presidency, he was sworn into the office. This was a big step for civil rights.