American Business Timeline

  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
  • Period: to

    Merchant Era

  • The American Revolutionary War began

    The American Revolutionary War began
  • First bank of America was built

    First bank of America was built
  • First stock market

    First stock market
  • Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin

    Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin
  • Africa's slave trade closed

    Africa's slave trade closed
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
  • Procter & Gamble Company created

    Procter & Gamble Company created
  • Samuel Morse invents the telegraph

    Samuel Morse invents the telegraph
  • American Express Company formed

    American Express Company formed
  • Period: to

    Corporate Era

  • Bell Telephone Company is formed

    Bell Telephone Company is formed
  • First successful Kodak appears on marker

    First successful Kodak appears on marker
  • Pepsi was created

    Pepsi was created
  • Ford Motor Company founded

    Ford Motor Company founded
  • Warner Brothers show their first film

    Warner Brothers show their first film
  • Supreme Court orders the breakup of Standard Oil

    Supreme Court orders the breakup of Standard Oil
  • Ford introduced the Assembly Line

    Ford introduced the Assembly Line
  • Disney Bothers Studios was formed

    Disney Bothers Studios was formed
  • First Electronic Television was invented

    First Electronic Television was invented
  • Earl S. Tupper Company is formed

    Earl S. Tupper Company is formed
  • Period: to

    Consumer Era

  • Chrysler, GM and Ford convert to military production

  • The transistor is invented

    The transistor is invented
  • First Japanese car, a Toyota, sold in the US

    First Japanese car, a Toyota, sold in the US
  • Bank of America launches first credit card

    Bank of America launches first credit card
  • Kroc takes full control of the McDonalds Corporation

    Kroc takes full control of the McDonalds Corporation
  • First Walmart

    First Walmart
  • Equal Pay Act

    Equal Pay Act
  • First Starbucks opens in Seattle

    First Starbucks opens in Seattle
  • First cell phone

    First cell phone
  • Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Microsoft

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Microsoft
  • Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak form Apple

    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak form Apple
  • Ted Turner starts CNN

    Ted Turner starts CNN
  • Period: to

    Global Era

  • Apple introduces the Macintosh computer

    Apple introduces the Macintosh computer
  • Vera Wang Bridal House opens in NY

    Vera Wang Bridal House opens in NY
  • DreamWorks is formed

    DreamWorks is formed
  • Jeff Bezos opens on the Internet

    Jeff Bezos opens on the Internet
  • Microsoft & General Electric launch MSNBC

    Microsoft & General Electric launch MSNBC
  • Dayton Hudson changes its name to Target

    Dayton Hudson changes its name to Target
  • Amazon posts its first profit, $5.1 million

    Amazon posts its first profit, $5.1 million
  • September 11 Attacks

    September 11 Attacks
  • Great Recession officially ends

    Great Recession officially ends