19th Century United States - Imperialism, Nationalism, and Enlightenment

By mbranz7
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Purchased during Thomas Jefferson's presidency, the Louisiana territory was previously owned by France. At that time, the United States was originally only interested in New Orleans, but when France offereed the entire territory at a bargain price, Jefferson gladly said yes.
  • The Embargo Act of 1807

    The Embargo Act of 1807
    This embargo restricted trade with France and Britain during the Napoleonic Wars. It was a response after the United States had recieved warnings from both countries for helping their opposition. Wanting to stay out of a war, the United States passed this embargo to solidify the country's nuetrality.
  • End of the War of 1812

    End of the War of 1812
    After a long war with Britain finally ended, American's finally felt truly seperated from Britian. This sparked a great deal of nationalism and gave citizens pride.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    With James Monroe's annual message to Congress in 1823 was the Monroe Doctrine, a document that warned European powers to stay out of affairs in the Western Hemisphere. The document went on to say that the United States would protect any country or independent island in the Americas.
  • First Sewing Machines

    First Sewing Machines
    Invented by Elias Howe in 1846 in New Hartfort, Connecticut. It was used on production lines in factories to help improve productivity and efficiency.
  • First Typewriter

    First Typewriter
    Created by Christopher L. Sholes in late 1867 in Milwaukee. It only typed in capital letters and it still uses the same keyboard layout we use today. It totally renewed how printing and typing was done in that time.
  • First Telephone

    First Telephone
    Created by Alexander Graham and his assistant Thomas Watson. Totally modernized communication and business across the United States after it's successful open.
  • Edison Invents the Lightbulb

    Edison Invents the Lightbulb
    Invented by Thomas Edison, with a group of researchers, in 1879. This was the beginning of electricity and how it would grow to have the immense impact on our lives as it has today.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    The United States had been interested in gaining Hawaii as a state since they first started trading with and forming relationships with the natives. Once finally annexed, the United States could then expand trading opportunites, increase millitary strength in the Pacific, and started watching over other, smaller pacific island countries.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Spain gave up the Philippines to the United States under this treaty. This marked the beginning of the conflict between the Filipino Nationalists and the American military.