
America in the Korean War

  • North Korea attacks south Korea

    North Korea attacks south Korea
    When North Korean tanks and infantry crossed the 38th parallel into South Korea, they had (by western standards) iniatated a military engagement between North Korea and its Communist allies (PRC, USSR) and the United States and their allies (UK, France)
  • Period: to

    United States Involvement in the Korean War

  • Seoul, capital of South Korea is captured by North Korean forces

  • Battle of Osan

  • Battle of Inchon

    Battle of Inchon
    Battle of Inchon General Douglas McArthur, a hero of the second World War, leads a large scale ampibious landing on the South Korean peninsula
  • China becomes involved

    After sending 100,000 troops across the border into North Korea, China officially enters the war in support of North Korea on November 1st. Chinese troops intervene when North Korean forces find themselves overwhelmed by UN forces.
  • MacArthur is dismissed by Harry S. Truman

    MacArthur is dismissed by Harry S. Truman
  • Chinese Spring Offensives

    Chinese forces begin a two part offensive against the UN forces. The first offensive take place across two battles in the Imjin River and Kayong. Nearly a month later, the second wave of the offensive begins, in which the US responds with 3 army divisions as well as a Marine division
  • Chinese forces fight American, French, and South Korean troops at Battle of White Horse

  • The Battle of the Hook

    The Battle of the Hook
    A British commander lead Turkish and British forces against a Chinese force of 6500. The superior numbers of the Chinese, who would often send troops across the front lines in "human assault waves", simply cound not be matched by UN forces
  • End of UN involvement in Korean War

    War is officially ended by Korean Armistice agreement