America in the 60's

  • Roger Maris of the Yankees breaks Babe Ruth's single season home run record.

    Roger Maris of the Yankees breaks Babe Ruth's single season home run record.
    in New York's final game of the regular season, Yankees slugger Roger Maris hits his 61st home run, becoming the first player in Major League Baseball to hit more than 60 in a season.
  • Russians send first man into space.

    Russians send first man into space.
    Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was the first man in space.
  • SNCC formed

    SNCC formed
    The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was founded in April 1960 by young people dedicated to nonviolent, direct action tactics.
  • First televised Presidential Debate.

    First televised Presidential Debate.
    Kennedy vs. Nixon. Nixon was very nervous and Kennedy was made for the TV.
  • First airing of "The Flintstones"

    First airing of "The Flintstones"
    The Flintstones first were introduced to television audiences by ABC.
  • President Kennedy is elected

    President Kennedy is elected
    Kennedy was elected the 25th president of the USA.
  • Berlin Wall is constructed

    Berlin Wall is constructed
    A wall that separated East and West Berlin.
  • The Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan

    The Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan
    At 8 o'clock on February 9th 1964, America tuned in to CBS and The Ed Sullivan Show. But this night was different. 73 million people gathered in front their TV sets to see The Beatles' first live performance on U.S. soil.
  • SDS releases its Port Huron statement.

    SDS releases its Port Huron statement.
    "the civil rights and peace and student movements are too poor and socially slighted, and the labor movement too quiescent"
  • Marilyn Monroe dies

    Marilyn Monroe dies
    36 year old Marilyn Monroe died of overdose.
  • James Meredith registers at Ole Miss

    James Meredith registers at Ole Miss
    The first Black student at the University of Missouri.
  • Dr No. The First James Bond movie appears

    Dr No. The First James Bond movie appears
    Dr. No is a 1962 spy film directed by Terence Young, and it is the first film in the James Bond series.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    The Soviet Union secretly installed missles in Cuba to launch at the US. We almost went to war before everyone withdraw their missles.
  • Dr. Kings "I Have a Dream" speech

    Dr. Kings "I Have a Dream" speech
    "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
  • John F Kennedy is assasinated

    John F Kennedy is assasinated
    JFK was assassinated in Parkland Health, Dallas, TX.
  • The Beatles arrive in the US

    The Beatles arrive in the US
    The Beatles arrived at JFK airport and fans greeted them.
  • New Yorks World Fair begins.

    New Yorks World Fair begins.
    A fair that held over 140 pavilions and 110 restaurants, representing 80 nations, 24 US states, and over 45 corporations with the goal and the final result of building exhibits or attractions at Flushing Meadows–Corona Park in Queens, New York City
  • Lyndon B Johnson defeats Barry Goldwater.

    Lyndon B Johnson defeats Barry Goldwater.
    Johnson beat Goldwater in the general election, winning over 61% of the popular vote, the highest percentage since the popular vote first became widespread in 1824.
  • Malcolm X assasinated.

    Malcolm X assasinated.
    He was an African American religious leader during the Civil Rights movement.
  • Thurgood Marshall nominated to the Supreme Court

    Thurgood Marshall nominated to the Supreme Court
    Thurgood Marshall was the first African-American man to serve as Supreme Court Justice.
  • Watts Race Riots

    Watts Race Riots
    Marquette Frye, a 21-year-old African-American man, was pulled over for drunken driving.
  • LSD declared illegal by the US government

    LSD declared illegal by the US government
    The first two American states to outlaw the manufacture, sale, and possession of the drug.
  • Star Trek TV show airs

    Star Trek TV show airs
    Star Trek aired on NBC from September 8, 1966, to June 3, 1969.
  • San Fransico "Summer of Love" begins

    San Fransico "Summer of Love" begins
    30,000 people gathered in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park.
  • First NFL Superbowl

    First NFL Superbowl
    Green Bay Packers and Kansas City Chiefs. The Packers won.
  • Boxer Muhammad Ali refuses military service

    Boxer Muhammad Ali refuses military service
    When Ali arrived to be inducted in the United States Armed Forces, however, he refused, citing his religion forbade him from serving.
  • Beatles release Sgt. Pepper's album

    Beatles release Sgt. Pepper's album
    The Beatles release Sgt. Pepper's album and it had a rushed release.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    One of the largest military campaigns of the Vietnam War.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated
    Martin Luther King Jr. was shot in Memphis, Tennessee.
  • Robert Kennedy is assassinated.

    Robert Kennedy is assassinated.
    Robert Kennedy was shot at PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention

    Protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention
    A series of protest activities against the Vietnam War that took place prior to and during the 1968 Democratic National Convention.
  • Richard Nixon is elected

    Richard Nixon is elected
    Nixon was the 37th president of the USA.
  • Stonewall Riots

    Stonewall Riots
    The Stonewall riots were a series of spontaneous protests by members of the gay community in response to a police raid.
  • American Astronauts landed on the moon

    American Astronauts landed on the moon
    Neil Armstrong was the first man ever on the moon.
  • Woodstock concert

    Woodstock concert
    A music festival held during August 15–18, 1969, on Max Yasgur's dairy farm in Bethel, New York, United States, 40 miles southwest of the town of Woodstock.
  • The Rolling Stones host the Altamont music festival

    The Rolling Stones host the Altamont music festival
    The Rolling Stones perform a free concert that was seen as a Woodstock West.