Missouri Compromise 1820
Missuori was added as a slave state. The rest of Loisiana was divided into slavery. Everything below the border was slave and above was free. The border divded the north and south. -
Spreding the 36°30 line
In the 1840's James K. Polk the 36°30 line to the Pacific Coast. The Mexican Cession was then divided into two regions one allowing slavery and the other did not. -
Popular Soverienty
Popular Soverienty was created to allow people to vote if they wanted slavery or not. -
The Compromise of 1850
California entered as a free sate. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was written by Harriet Breecher Stowe. Its about antislavery and why antislavery is so bad. When the South read her book it outraged them because they saw the horrible things of slavery. -
The Nebraska-Kansas Act
Senator Stephan Douglas introduced a bill that divided the land west of Missouri into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska. Then he urged them for popular soverienty which would allow citizens to vote if they want or do not want slavery. -
The Republican Party
Whigs, Democrats, free soilders, and abolitionists joined and formed the Republican Party. They formed their new party because of they wanted to spread slavery in the West. -
President of 1856
James Buchanan was elected as president in 1856. He served as president from March 4, 1857 to March 4, 1861. -
Raid of Harpers Ferry
October 16-18 1859 John Brown raided Harpers Ferry. He failed in his attempt to raid it for fire arms. When they were defeated he got hung for his treason. -
Split of the Demacratic Party
When the Democrats were trying to find a canadate for the 1860 Presidental election they failed several times to find one, so they split in two. -
1860 Presidental Election
Abraham Lincoln was the person who won the presidental election of 1860. -
The First state to Secession
The first state to with draw from the Union wsa South Carolina. -
The Confederate Sates of Americas First President
On November 6, 1861 Jefferson Davis was elected as the first president of the Confederate Sates of America.