Fort Sumter Attacked
Open fire with 50 cannons upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. The Civil War begins. http://www.historyplace.com/civilwar/ -
resigns his commission
Robert E. Lee resigns his commission in the United States Army. "I cannot raise my hand against my birthplace, my home, my children." Lee then goes to Richmond, Virginia, is offered command of the military and naval forces of Virginia, and accepts. http://www.historyplace.com/civilwar/ -
First Bull Run
The Union Army under Gen. Irvin McDowell suffers a defeat at Bull Run 25 miles southwest of Washington. Confederate Gen. Thomas J. Jackson earns the nickname "Stonewall," as his brigade resists Union attacks. Union troops fall back to Washington. President Lincoln realizes the war will be long. "It's damned bad," he comments. http://www.historyplace.com/civilwar/ -
Army of the Potomac under Gen. Burnside suffers a costly defeat at Fredericksburg in Virginia with a loss of 12,653 men after 14 frontal assaults on well entrenched Rebels on Marye's Heights. "We might as well have tried to take hell," a Union soldier remarks. Confederate losses are 5,309. -
thay where kiled by a army tank. -
the boat got a hole in the side of the ship and thay mad it to shore just in time. http://www.historyplace.com/civilwar/ -
Cold Harbor
thay were down with the war becus thay were all gon. http://www.historyplace.com/civilwar/ -
March to the Sea
all of the army guys march to there boats. http://www.historyplace.com/civilwar/ -
Ambrose P. Hill
Grant's forces begin a general advance and break through Lee's lines at Petersburg. Confederate Gen. Ambrose P. Hill is killed. Lee evacuates Petersburg. The Confederate Capital, Richmond, is evacuated. Fires and looting break out. The next day, Union troops enter and raise the Stars and Stripes. http://www.historyplace.com/civilwar/ -
Lee Surrenders
Gen. Robert E. Lee surrenders his Confederate Army to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at the village of Appomattox Court House in Virginia. Grant allows Rebel officers to keep their sidearms and permits soldiers to keep horses and mules. http://www.historyplace.com/civilwar/ -
Lee Surrenders
the army team wone the batal. http://www.historyplace.com/civilwar/ -
Lincoln Shot
The Stars and Stripes is ceremoniously raised over Fort Sumter. That night, Lincoln and his wife Mary see the play "Our American Cousin" at Ford's Theater. At 10:13 p.m., during the third act of the play, John Wilkes Booth shoots the president in the head. Doctors attend to the president in the theater then move him to a house across the street. He never regains consciousness. http://www.historyplace.com/civilwar/ -
Lincoln Shot
John Wilkes Booth is shot and killed in a tobacco barn in Virginia.