• Boston Tea Party

    342 chests of tea that belong to the British East India Company was thrown into the Boston Harbor by American patriots pretending to be Indians
  • The Battles of Lexington and Concord

    The Battles of Lexington and Concord
    The battle was caused by Massachusetts colonists who took a stand against the Patriots. They fought and the Americans won.
  • The Declaration of Independence is Signed

    The Declaration of Independence is Signed
    The Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress on July 4th. They did not have the approval of all 13 states until July 9th. July 19th, they made official documentation. The official signing was on August 2nd, 1776.
  • The Winter at Valley Forge

    The Winter at Valley Forge
    The winter of 1777 and 1778 was not the coldest or worst winter that they experienced during war but they had a lack of supplies they need to stay warm and healthy for war.
  • Article of Confederation are Ratified

    Article of Confederation are Ratified
    The ratification wasn't official until March 1st, 1781. After all the states decided on it.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown was a battle that lasted from September 28th, 1781 to October 19th, 1781
  • The Constitution was Ratified

    The Constitution was Ratified
    New Hampshire is the last state to ratify the Constitution of the US which made it the document of the land
  • Presidential Inauguration of George Washington

    Presidential Inauguration of George Washington
    The inauguration of George Washington took place on April 30th, 1789 at the Federal Hall in New York City, NY
  • Washington’s Farewell Address

    Washington’s Farewell Address
    Washington served 20 years before he gave his farewell address. He wrote it at the end of his second term of being a president. After that, he retired to his home in Virginia
  • The Death of George Washington

    The Death of George Washington
    The day before he was horseback riding, the weather was bad and Washington knew he should change clothing but he didn't and he ended up getting sick. His last words were "Doctor, I die hard; but I am not afraid to go; I believed from my first attack that I should not survive it; my breath can not last long"
  • Election Day, 1800

    Election Day, 1800
    The first peaceful election transition.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Marbury vs. Madison
    Manburt vs. Madison was the first supreme court case to use the "Judicial Review"