• Boston Tea Party

    Was an American political and mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts. Allowed the British East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts.
  • War of Independence

    War of Independence
    Was initiated by delegates from the thirteen American colonies in Congress against Great Britain over their objection to Parliament's taxation policies and lack of colonial representation.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration explained why the Thirteen Colonies at war with the Kingdom of Great Britain regarded themselves as thirteen independent sovereign states, no longer under British rule.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    It was a decisive victory by a combined force of American Continental Army troops led by General George Washington and French Army troops over the British army.
  • Recognition of Independence

    The Treaty of Versailles was signed by U.S. and British Representatives, ending the War of the American Revolution. The agreement recognized U.S. independence and granted the U.S. significant western territory.
  • Creation of the state federal.

    Creation of the state federal.
    The american colonies form a federal constitution.
  • George Washington becomes the first president.

    George Washington becomes the first president.
  • Period: to

    The California Gold Rush

    It was a gold rush that began , when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California. The news of gold brought approximately 300,000 people to California from the rest of the United States and abroad.
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    The Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln wins the presidential election.
  • Period: to

    American Civil Wars

    Was fought between northern states loyal to the Union and southern states that had seceded to form the Confederate States of America. The civil war began primarily as a result of the long-standing controversy over the enslavement of Black people.
  • The Homestead Act

    Were several laws in the United States by which an applicant could acquire ownership of government land or the public domain
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    Abolished slavery “within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” This was only a theoretical way because actually blacks weren't granted equality and economic security.
  • American Federation of Labor (AFL)

    American Federation of Labor (AFL)
    Was a national federation of labor unions in the United States founded in Columbus, Ohio,