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  • French and Idian War/Seven Years War

    A territorial dispute between Britain and France. It ended in favor of Britain with the Treaty of Paris (1763) but left Great Britain in great debt.They blamed this on the colonists, and began to heavily tax them to pay for the war.
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    Industrail Revolution

    A time period of manufacturing advancement. Originating in Britain, the Industrial Revolution brought about new machines and new jobs for women and children. Ultimately it created a major turning point in history.
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    Boston Tea Party

    A group of colonists dressed as Indians drop 342 chests of tea into the ocean. This was in defiance to the new Tea act of 1773. This resulted in the enforcement of the Intolerable Acts in 1774.
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    Revolutionary War

    The battle for the independence of the American colonies from Britain. Some of our founding fathers fought, such as, George Washington, and Alexander Hamilton fought to make America a free place for most everyone.
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    US Constitution

    During these days the US Constitution, the Supreme law of the land, was written. It laid out how the American government would work, and is still in use today, although it has been changed in some ways.
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    First American Factories

    The first American factory came in around 1790 when Washington was first elected. It was built by a cotton spinner's apprentice, who designed it from memory after he left England a year before.
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    Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark were sent to explore the newly purchased state, Louisiana. They meet many Indians, one of them being Sacajawea who proceeded to guide them and teach them about the land, even when she had her baby on the expedition!
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    Missouri Compromise

    This bill temporarily resolved the first conflict between those for and those against slavery by balancing the amount of slave and free slave states. It managed to hold the Union together for 30 years, although it was not widely appreciated.
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    Manifest Destiny

    A term to illustrate the American "destiny" to stretch from coast to coast. It promoted Westward expansion, Native American relocation, and a war with Mexico.
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    Bleeding Kansas

    A violent battle between Southern and Northern states over whether Kansas would be a free, or slave state. Both sides rushed to procure land, although the rich Southerners got most of it. This event largely influenced the Civil War
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    Civil War

    A tragic, and violent battle between the Union and the Confederacy. Some might say it was over slavery, but the Confederates were more concerned with their culture and society being kept intact, and were upset that Abraham Lincoln won the election despite not a single Southern vote being in his favor. The Union was concerned with the unity of the States, and as a large part, slavery.
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    Reconstruction Era

    The time span in which the Southern states were conformed and changed in an attempt to fix the damage left by the Civil War. Many plans were created and carried out to help the newly freed slaves, and/or to punish the Southerners for their defiance in the war. Reconstruction is now considered a failure by many historians, although it impacted history largely.
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    The Assaination of Abraham Lincoln

    As the head of the Union during the Civil War, Lincoln was not well like by the Southerners. His assassination was carried out by John Wilkes Booth, a Marylander, at Ford's Theater.