America 1921-1941

  • Teapot Dome Scandal Takes Place

    After Interior Secretary Albert Fall and Navy Secretary Edwin Denby offered to lease government land in Wyoming to oil companies, the scandal became named for a nearby rock formation.
  • Warren G. Harding becomes 29th President

  • The Emergency Immigration Quota Act is Passed

    This act restricted Southern and Eastern Europeans from immigrating to the United States.
  • Calvin Coolidge Becomes 30th President

  • National Origins Act is Passed

    This act place further restrictions on immigration, excluded immigrants from Asia, and reduced the quotas to two percent.
  • Scopes Trial Takes Place

    During this trial, a school teacher, John Scopes, was found guilty of teaching evolution in a classroom. At the time, such teaching was illegal under the Butler Act.
  • Calvin Coolidge - 2nd Inauguration

  • Charles Lindbergh Flies from New York to Paris

    American aviator, Lindbergh, made the first nonstop solo transatlantic flight.
  • The Jazz Singer is shown in Theatres

    First full-length movie that synchronized pictures with words.
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression Begins

    Thousands of farmers lose their land and have to move from the Dust Bowl area of the Great Plains to other states in search of work.
  • Herbert Hoover becomes 31st President

  • Stock Market Crashes

    Known as Black Tuesday, the stock market crashed after bullish run during the 1920s.
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff

    President Herbert Hoover enacts highest tariff in American History. This resulted in other nations raising their tariffs.
  • The Bonus Army camps out at Washington D.C.

    WWI veterans demand compensation be paid immediately for service instead of waiting until 1945.
  • New Deal Introduced

    Franklin D. Roosevelt introduces his work plan called the "New Deal" as an opportunity to help bring American out of the Great Depression
  • Adolph Hitler Rises to Power in Germany

    Hitler appointed as German Chancellor.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Becomes 32nd President

    Roosevelt served four terms as the United States President
  • The Emergency Banking Order is Passed

    This act was passed to stabilize America's banks, establish safeguards, and restore the public's confidence.
  • Fireside Chats Take Place

    The radio broadcasts by President Roosevelt were called "Fireside Chats."
  • Glass-Steagall Act Passed

    Federal deposit insurance was instituted and commercial and investment banks were separated.
  • Wagner Act Passed

    This act protected the rights of laborers to protest, unionize and participate in collective bargaining.
  • Social Security Act Passed

    This act provided pensions for the aged as well as economic aid and insurance to those who were unemployed.
  • Rhineland is Occupied by German Troops

    Hitler sends troops into the Rhineland defying Versailles Treaty.
  • "Court-Packing" Attempted

    This was the nickname given to the "scheme" Roosevelt attempted in an effort to increase the number of Supreme Court Justices.
  • Japan Invades China

    Invasion of China due to the fact that Japan desired to increase their rule in sphere of East Asia and obtain material to meet growing industrial needs.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act Is Passed

    A minimum wage of twenty-five cents earned every hour is set.
  • The Grapes Of Wrath Is Published

    John Steinbeck's novel brought attention to the plight of Depression era migrants.
  • Molotov_Ribbentrop Pact is signed

    Hitler and Stalin agree to a non-aggression pact to divide Poland between their two countries.
  • Poland is Invaded by Germany

    Hitler's revenge on European countries begin and Poland collapses within three weeks.
  • Western Europe is Attacked by Germany

    The Netherlands, Belgium, and France are all invaded by German forces.
  • Operation Sea Lion is Launched

    Hitler sends a force to invade England.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Inaugurated for 3rd Term

  • Hitler Breaks Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

    Secret 1939 non-agression pact betwee Soviet Union and Germany is broken by Hitler.
  • Fair Employment Practice Act is Passed

    This act ensured that every person would get an equal opportunity for a job in federal government and defense industries.
  • Pearl Harbor is Attacked by the Japanese

    As a result of the surprise attack which killed 2400 Americans, the U.S. enters WWII.