America 1600-1876

  • Period: to

    Early America

  • Founding of Jamestown

    Founded by John Smith.
  • The Discovery of the Hudson River

    Henry Hudson and his crew were searching for the Northwest Passage when a storm blew them off course and they ended up at a river they named the Hudson River.
  • Tobacco plantations begin in Virginia

    1612 - John Rolfe established the first plantation on the James River. 1616 - John Rolfe crosses Tobacco strains from Trinidad and Guiana.
  • The Headright System

    50 acres would be provided to one who paid for themselves or others to travel to Virginia.
  • House of Burgesses established

    The first representative government in America was composed of landowners who met in Jamestown.
  • Slavery begins in American Colonies

    The Duch sell the first twenty slaves to Virginia colonists.
  • The Pilgrims establish Plymouth Colony in New England

    The Mayflower Compact is written.
  • 1622-1624 Powhatan Wars

    Conflicts between Colonists and Native Americans.
  • Virginia becomes a royal colony

  • New Netherland (New Amsterdam) established

    Later became New York.
  • 1630-1640 Early Immigration

    Puritans immigrate to New England
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony established

    Founded by John Winthrop.
  • Founding of Maryland

    Established for Protestants and Catholics to live In harmony.
  • Rhode Island Established

    Founded by Roger Williams on egalitarian principles.
  • Founding of Connecticut

    Established by Tomas Hooker, a pastor.
    Puritans came from Massachusetts.
  • Pequot War

    Machestutsits colonists sell Native Americans to West Indies colonies.
  • Founding of Delaware

    Established by Sweedish Peter Minuet.
  • Founding of New Hampshire

    Founded by Captian Mason.
  • Navigation Act

    Merchants in American Colonies ship goods to England only.
  • Slavery passed down

    A law passed in Virginia declared that an enslaved woman's child remained in slavery.
  • Founding of New Jersey

    Established by the Lords Proprietor.
  • King Philip's War

    Native Americans were sold into slavery.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Doeg Native Americans took pigs from Tomas Mathew because he refused to pay his debt. Bacon raises a militia of settlers to fight the local natives. Governer Berkely intervenes, resulting in a showdown outside the Virginia State House.
  • Pueblo Revolt

    Native Americans rose up against the Spanish. The city of Santa Fe was seized.
  • Founding of Pennsylvania

    Established by William Penn.
  • "Glorious Revolution"

    Bloodless overthrowal of the Catholic King of England, James II, by his Protestant daughter, Mary, and her husband, William.
  • Bills Of Credit

    Paper bills issued by Massachusetts were the first paper money.
  • Founding of North Carolina

    Established by the Lords Proprietor.
  • Decree Of Sanctuary.

    The Spanish King granted freedom to slaves fleeing English colonies if they swore allegiance to Spain and converted to Catholicism.
  • One Example of greed in the slave trade

    Captain Thomas Phillips states he doesn't believe that one color of the skin is above another, he is only in the slave trade business to make a profit.
  • The Embargo Act

    Closed American ports to prevent involvement in the Napoleonic War.
  • Yamasee War

    Native Americans attempt to wipe out English settlements in the Caraloinas.
  • 1715-1789 Age Of Enlightenment

    Movement in Europe that emphasized reason over tradition. Famous people such as John Locke, Voltaire, and Descartes influenced the thinking of the time.
  • 1730-1750 First Great Awakening

    Revival swept across America encouraging people to live a pious life and have a personal relationship with God.
  • First edition of Poor Richard's Almanack released.

    Published By Benjamin Franklin for about 20 years. The book contained a calendar, proverbs, advice, and jokes.
  • Founding of Georgia

    Founded by James Oglethorpe
  • Stono Rebelion

    The Slaves rebeled while their owners were at Church.
  • Influences in the Great Awakening

    George Whitefield travels to America.
  • Jonathan Edwards

    Preaches "Sinners In the Hands Of An Angry God"
  • Invention of the Franklin Stove

    Created by Benjamin Franklin.
  • Invention of the Lightning Rod

    Created by Benjamin Franklin
  • French-Indian War

    (The Seven Years War) The British Fought against Native Americans and the French.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Peace Treaty that ended the Seven Years War
  • Pontiac's War

    Ottawa Tribe Fought against the British around the Ohio River Valley.
  • Royal Proclamation Line

    Boundary between Colonies and Native Territory. (Appalachian Mountains)
  • Parliamentary Acts

    1- Sugar Act: combat smuggling. 2- Currency Act: restricted paper money. 3- Stamp Act: a tax on paper. 4- Declaratory Act: England has full control over the American Colonies. 5- Townsend Acts: tax placed on imports. 6- Tea Act: a tax on tea.
  • Sons of Liberty

    A group of colonists fighting against the British Acts.
  • "Boston Massacre"

    British open fire on angry colonists.
  • "Boston Tea Party"

    Colonists dressed as Native Americans dump Tea into the Boston harbor.
  • The Coercive Acts, "The Intolerable Acts"

    1- Boston Port Act: shut down the port. 2- Massachusetts Government Act: put British control over the colonial government. 3- Administration of Justice Act: Royal officials accused of a crime were tried in Britain. 4- Quartering Act: British soldiers were allowed into any home.
  • First Continental Congress Meeting.

    Colonists demand repeal of the Coercive Acts.
  • The first battle between American colonists and British

    Battles Of Lexington and Concord
  • "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!"

    Patrick Henery's famous words.
  • Second Continental Congress

    The Continental Army was formed under George Washington. The Olive Branch Petition was passed.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    British siege of the City of Boston.
  • Common Sense is written

    Pinned by Thomas Paine.
  • Declaration Of Independence

    Drafted and signed by the "Founding Fathers," in 1776.
  • Delaware Crossing

    In A surprise attack, George Washington crosses the Deleware under night and leads his army to victory in the Battle of Trenton.
  • Another American Victory

    In the Battle of Saratoga, American Forces were able to defeat General Burgoyne in New York, who had been abandoned by Howe.
  • Trade Alliance

    Treaty of Amity and Commerce sighed between France and America.
  • Surrender at York

    General Cornwallis was waiting for supplies when he was surrounded by the French and the Continental army. He surrendered, ending the American War for independence.
  • Treaty of Paris, 1783

    The independence of the United States was secured from England as well as land for expansion.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    A group of farmers blockaded the courthouse so that the foreclosure of their farms could not be issued.
  • Constitutional Convention

    A group of government officials met to revise the Articles of Confederation. Three branches of government were decided and two senators per state as well as a population vote. Twenty-year protection was put over the slave trade.
  • Invention of the Steamboat

    Created by John Fitch
  • Slave Trade Act

    Regulations were put on slave ships regarding limits to slave space on a ship and the number of slaves transported on the ship.
  • Ratification of the U.S. Constitution

  • America's First President

    George Washington is elected.
  • Invention of the Yarn Spinning Machine

    Created by Samuel Slater.
  • America's First Bank established

  • Washington Re-Elected

  • The Cotton Gin is invented

    By Eli Whitney.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Tax officials were tarred and feathered and left for dead. The military was sent in to stop the rebellion.
  • John Adams is Elected for President.

  • Alien and Sedition Acts Passed

    The U.S. government could deport threats and censor any speech against the government.
  • Election of 1800

    "The Bloodless Revolution." The tie was broken between two presidential candidates, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, by the 36th vote in the House of Representatives.
  • Gabriel's Rebellion

    A failed attack by slaves on the warehouse district of Richmond, Virginia.
  • Factories in Northern states start

  • Second Great Awakening

    Started with the Cane Ridge Revival. Mostly consisted of camp meetings.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Jefferson refuses men to a position in the government. one of the men sues. The court rules in Jefferson's favor. Chief Justice Marshall creates the Power of Judicial Review.
  • Purchase of Louisiana from France

    Largest real estate purchase of the U.S. at a cost of $15 million.
  • Thomas Jefferson Re-Elected as President

  • Webster's Dictionary is Published

    Written by Noah Webster.
  • Attack on the U.S.S. Chesapeake

    The ship was boarded by British soldiers searching for deserters.
  • Election of James Madison as President

  • James Madison Re-elected as President

  • War of 1812

    America dreaded the empressement, restrictions on trade, and they desired more territory. The British sunk the U.S.S Chesapeake. Fort McHenry was attacked but was not captured by the English. During this time Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner." Andrew won the last victory of the war at New Orleans.
  • Invention of the Powered Loom

    Created by Francis Cabot Lowe.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The treaty that ended the War of 1812.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Andrew Jackson fights Creek Natives.
  • The establishment of the Benevolent Empire (1815-1860)

    Organizations to combat slavery, alcoholism, spread the Gospel, and promote women's rights.
  • Election of James Monroe as President

  • Seminole Wars

    United States Military fought Seminole Natives in Florida.
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    The United States acquired Florida from Spain.
  • James Monroe Re-elected as President

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri and Maine were admitted into the union as slave and free states, respectively. The rest of the territory was divided along the 36° 30' line.
  • Expansion of the Cotton Industry

    With new inventions and discoveries, The cotton market boomed. This resulted in the requirement for more slaves. This caused more division.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The idea that America and Western Hemishpere should be left alone by Europe.
  • Election of John Quincy Adams

  • The Erie Canal is constructed

    A waterway between the Great Lakes, Hudson River, and the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Transportation Revolution

    The First steamboat service is established on the Hudson River. The B&O Railroad company is established.
  • Lyman Beecher preaches on temperance

  • Election of Andrew Jackson as President

  • Charles Finney Preaches about devotion to God

  • Joseph Smith and his new religion

    He established the Mormon church after claiming to have visions.
  • Indian Removal Act of 1830

    Gave the President power to take land from native tribes.
  • Invention of the Reaper

    Created by Cyrus McCormick.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Slaves rebelled in 11 farms in Virginia, killing 50 men, women, and children.
  • Andrew Jackson Re-elected as President

  • Nullification Crisis

    South Carolina declares federal tariffs void.
  • Whig Party

    Started to oppose Andrew Jackson.
  • Election of Martin Van Buren as President

  • Transcendental Club

    Unitarians formed this club such as Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson who believed that America should be intellectually independent.
  • Independence of Texas

    Mexico signed the Treaty of Velasco after the Battle of San Jacinto.
  • Improvement of the Plow

    John Deere invents steel blade plow.
  • Trail of Tears

    The journey of the Cherokees to Oklahoma.
  • Election of William Henry Harrison

    Harrison died in office after giving the longest inaugural speech in American history. John Tyler took his position.
  • Invention of the Telegraph

    Created by Samuel Morse.
  • Election of James Polk as president

  • American "Know Nothing" Party

    Opposed to Immigration and foreign influence.
  • Manifest Destiny

    A term coined by John O'Sullivan. The idea that America should become a world power.
  • Frederick Douglass Published His Autobiography

  • U.S. Mexican War

    Started over Texas border dispute between the Rio Grande and the Nueces River.
  • Election of Zachary Taylor as President

    After Taylor's unexpected death, Millard Fillmore replaced him.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Ended the U.S. Mexican War. the United States gained California, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Arizona.
  • Discovery of Gold

    On John Sutter's land.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Washington, DC abolished the slave trade in the immediate are. New territories were able to choose to be free states or not.
  • Election of Franklin Pierce as President

  • Kansas-Nebraska Bill

    Nebraska was divided to create Kansas and elections decided the freedom of the statehood.
  • Republican Party Creation

    Views based on Founding Fathers ideas and principles.
  • Election of James Buchanan as President

  • Dread Scott decision

    A ruling that decided that slaves could not sue in U.S. courts and could not be citizens. The order was given by Roger Tany
  • John Brown

    A zealous abolitionist planned an attack on Harpers Ferry, a federal weapons arsenal in Virginia.
  • Election of Abraham Lincoln as President

  • The Secession of South Carolina

    The first state to do so after Abraham Lincoln's Presidental victory. Other states soon followed.
  • The Start of a Confederacy

    South Carolina was joined by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Texas, and Louisiana. These states announced Jefferson Davis as their president.
  • The Civil War Begins

    Confederate soldiers fire on Union Fort Sumter.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    First major Confederate victory.
  • Homestead Act

    Applicants receive title to undeveloped land west of the Mississippi.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Minor victory for the Confederate Army.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Union forces prevented a Confederate advancement into the Mississippi River Valley.
  • District of Columbia abolishes slavery.

  • Pacific Railway Act

    The first transcontinental railroad is authorized.
  • Battle of Antietam

    A Union victory gave Lincoln the courage to propose the emancipation proclamation.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    An executive order by President Lincoln declared that slaves in rebelling states to be free.
  • Enrollment Act

    Military draft to provide power for the Union Army.
  • New York City Draft Riots

    Largest civil disturbance.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    A Union victory that split the Confederate States in half.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    One of the most famous battles of the Civil War because it was a last attempt by Confederacy to invade the North.
  • Gettysburg Address

    A speech by Abraham Lincoln at the dedication of a cemetery.
  • Re-Election of Abraham Lincoln as President

    During this term, he was shot by John Wilkes Booth in Ford's Theatre.
  • Battle of Atlanta

    Union victory that ensured Lincoln's re-election.
  • March to the Sea

    Union General Sherman destroys transportation networks in Georgia and the Carolinas.
  • Wade-Davis Bill

    Passed by congress that informed of the strict requirements to rejoin the United States.
  • Battle of Appomattox Court House

    The final battle where General Lee surrenders to General Grant.
  • Abraham Lincoln Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Fords Theater.

  • 13th Amendment

    Abolishes Slavery in The United States.
  • Andrew Johnson Becomes President.

  • United States purchases Alaska from Russia.

  • 14th Amendment

    Granted citizenship and equal rights to African Americans and freed slaves.
  • Ulysses S. Grant elected as President

  • Golden Spike Ceremony

    Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad.
  • 15th Amendment

    The right to vote will not be denied based on condition or color.
  • John D. Rockefeller forms "Standard Oil Company"

  • Great Chicago Fire

  • Ulysses S. Grant Re-Elected

  • Amnesty Act

    Removed most penalties on confederates.
  • Dedication of Yellowstone

    Grant designates Yellowstone as the first national park.
  • Invention of Barbed Wire

    Created by Joseph Glidden
  • Levi Strauss Begins Manufacturing Jeans.

  • Rutherford B. Hayes Becomes President

  • Mark Twain publishes "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

  • Invention of the Telephone

    Created by Alexander Grahm Bell
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Lieutenant Col. Custer is defeated by the Cheyenne and Sioux Indians in Montana.