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  • puritans find Plymouth

    the Puritans founded Plymouth Colony in what later became Massachusetts. A lot of American places and history wouldn't be the same if it weren't for this event
  • Rhode Island founded

    an English clergyman named Roger Williams left Massachusetts and founded the colony
    of Rhode Island. American history would be very different
  • end of 7 years' war

    The end of the Seven Years' War left England in control of Canada, and all of North America east of the Mississippi. This led to the revolutionary war, and that still effects us today
  • Boston Tea party

    a group of patriots responded by
    staging the Boston Tea Party. Disguised as Indians, they boarded British merchant ships and
    dumped 342 crates of tea into Boston harbor. This played a major role in American independence
  • first continental congress

    Colonial leaders convened the First Continental Congress to discuss the colonies' opposition to British rule. This gave us the idea of independence, we wouldn't be free if it weren't for this
  • Declaration of Independence

    the Declaration of Independence is signed. This was a major step in us becoming a free country
  • battle of Saratoga

    American soldiers defeated the
    British Army at Saratoga, New York. This made France recognize America as an independent army
  • Battle of Yorktown

    A combined force of American and French troops surrounded the British and forced their
    surrender. This led to peace which made us free
  • Treaty of Paris

    England recognized American independence. America be came a free country, which let's us live the lives we live
  • Jefferson becomes third president

    Jefferson becomes the third president of USA. He plays a major role in American freedom, and thus a major role in how we live
  • Andrew Jackson president

    Andrew Jackson first outsider president elected. He laid the framework of democracy, which affects our daily lives
  • The American Federation of Labor

    a coalition of trade unions for skilled laborers. Affects our workplace environment
  • The Sherman Antitrust Act

    banned trusts, mergers, and business agreements in restraint of trade. Affects current wages
  • great depression

    thousands of American banks and over 100,000 businesses had failed. Affects our current stock market, and economy
  • pearl harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, leading to America joining WW2. Led to us showing the world we are a world power, and to not mess with us