Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten)

  • Period: 1391 BCE to 1354 BCE

    Reign Amenhotep III

    Amenhotep III is Akenhaten's father under his rule Egypt thrived as little conflict occurred due to his diplomatic nature as shown in the Armana letters along with this peace, Egypt experienced strong economic stability through high amounts of tribute and trade. Amenhotep III may have entered a co-regency with his son Amenhotep IV towards the end of his reign due to ill health however this is a debated idea.
  • 1353 BCE

    Queen Nefertiti

  • Period: 1353 BCE to 1336 BCE

    Reign of Akhenaten

    dates of his reign
  • 1349 BCE

    Birth of Meritaten

    She became an Ancient Egyptian Queen who was Akenaten's daughter to Nefertiti. Meritaten became the \Great Royal Wife to Pharaoh Smenkhkare, who may have been a brother or son of Akhenaten.
  • 1348 BCE

    Beginning of building projects

    Work started on 4 temples to the Aten at Thebes Celebration of first Jubilee
  • 1346 BCE

    New city is built

    Work starts on new city at Akhetaten birth of Meketaten and Ankhenspaaten
  • 1345 BCE

    Karnak building project

    Work at Karnak completed
  • 1344 BCE

    Name change to Akhenaten

    During the fifth year of his reign Amenhotep cemented the Aten as the principle god under his ruler ship changing his name to fit this shift from Amenhotep to Akhenaten
  • 1342 BCE

    Government moves to new capital

  • 1341 BCE

    Aten is inscribed as the sole god

    Names of the Aten purified to remove references to all gods except Re, Akhenatens Sarcophagus carved
  • Period: 1339 BCE to 1338 BCE

    Birth of Neferneferuaten, Neferneferure and Setepenre

    1339 10 Birth of Neferneferuaten
    1338 11 Birth of Neferneferure and Setepenre
  • 1337 BCE

    Family is shown for the last time

    Official family, with all six of Nefertiti's daughters shown for last time Akhenaten's mother, Queen Tiye, visits Akhetaten
  • 1336 BCE

    Death of Meketaten

  • 1335 BCE

    Death of Nefertiti

  • 1335 BCE

    Meritaten becomes Queen

  • 1334 BCE

    Meritaten marries Smenkhkare

  • 1334 BCE

    Coregency between Akhenaten and Smenkhkare

  • 1332 BCE

    Death of Akhenaten