Imgres 1

Amendments Related to Presidency

  • 12th Amendment

    12th Amendment
    Citizens must vote in the State they reside. (Vice-president or President must not be from the residents’ state). Votes must be sent to the government of the U.S sealed. (They are opened in front of the Representatives). The candidate with the majority of votes wins.
    If there is a tie, the House of Representatives votes by state. ⅔ of all the Representatives. If there is a tie in the count of Vice-presidents, the senate chooses. ⅔ of all the Senators.
  • 12th Amendment / Why was it added?

    During the 1800’s Thomas Jefferson and his Vice-president tied during the Electoral College. The 12th amendment was passed to have a set solution for ties and more secure and confidential and fair voting.
  • 14th Amendment, Section 3

    14th Amendment, Section 3
    Basic Description: No person who have taken the oath, who has broken the contitutional laws, helped enemies of the U.S, have been criminals, or have rebelled against the country can run any civil or military office in the U.S. Why was it added?: This Amendment was added after the civil war in other to keep the the confederate officials from ruling in the U.S government.
  • 15th Amendment, Section 1

    15th Amendment, Section 1
    The 15th Amendment was passed in 1870, five years after the civil war. The Amendment states, "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied.. on account of race, coloir or previous condition of servitude."
    Every citizens of the United States should have the right to vote no matter his/her etcnicity, background, or the condiction of being a slaves. Why was it added?
    It was added because the republicans wanted to have the vote of freed slaves.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th Amendment said "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied... on account of sex." In other word this mean that citizens of the United States should have the right of vote no matter their gender. Why was it added?: Men of any race, background and ethnicity had gotten the right to vote but women still didn't. This made them fight for their rights. It was moved forward by the woman suffrage movement after the Wyoming ratified the right of voting to women.
  • The 22nd Amendment, section 1

    The 22nd Amendment, section 1
    Presidents cannot be re elected more than twice. The President who held office twice can hold office only once after another President is elected. Why was it added?: It was added to keep a democracy and avoid a pseudo democracy.
  • 23rd Amendment, Section 1

    23rd Amendment, Section 1
    The 23rd amendment gives residents of Washington DC the right to vote for representatives in the Electoral College, therefore the District of Columbia has representation in the Electoral College. Why was it added?: It was added because direct of Columbia was under the US government but the residents didn’t have the right to vote for President or Vice-President.
  • 25th Amendment, Sections 1-4 (1st Part)

    25th Amendment, Sections 1-4 (1st Part)
    If the President is removed from the office because of death or resignation the Vice-president must take his place. If there is a vacancy (place for) a new Vice-president then the President shall nominate a Vice-president with a majority of votes from both Houses of Representatives. If the President is unable to leave office he must write a a written declaration to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
  • 25th Amendment Sections 1-4 (2nd Part)

    While the written statement is not sent, the Vice-president takes charge as the “Acting President”
    When the President pro tempore and the Speaker of the House of Representatives get the written declaration the President can resume to office.
    If the Vice President and many principal officers from the executive department send a declaration reporting that the President is unable to leave then Congress shall decide on the issue.
    This amendment was added to avoid problems when reelecting Presidents
  • 26th Amendment, Section 1

    26th Amendment, Section 1
    The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age. Why was it added?: To give the right to teenagers older than 18 the right to vote. Many soldiers who were 18 years old and not 21+ saw that it was unfair that they could die for the country but not get a right to vote. (March 23, 1971.)