Period: to
When the eleventh through the twenty seventh amendments were ratified
The dates of which the eleventh all the way through the twenty seventh amendments were ratified for the United States of America. -
Amendment XI
The United States Judicial power shall not be construed in any law suit or equity, be prosecuted by another state or nations. -
Amendment XII
The president and vice president currently running for election shall be voted for, and whoever's ballad gets more votes shall be deemed president. No person shall be deemed ineligable to run for president. Every member of each state's vote shall be counted, and entered into voting. -
Amendment XIII
Throughout the nation, slavery is outlawed, and no person shall be put under work unless for punishment for a crime -
Amendment XIV
Every man, woman, and child are created equal; no person shall be discriminated by race, religion, or gender, and shall be treated equal as well. -
Amendment XV
The national and state governments cannot use peoples’ race to stop them from voting. This amendment gave black men the right to vote, ensuring greater equality and justice for American people and their political rights. -
Amendment XVI
The national government has the ability to tax incomes, regardless of source or amount. -
Amendment XVII
Senators of each state are elected by the citizens of that state.From each state, two senators will be voted for and appointed. -
Amendment XVIII
It is unlawful to sell or manufacture any alchoholic beverages throughout the states. This amendment can be abridged by another within seven years after it is ratified. -
Amendment XIX
The national government shall not hold a citizen's sex against them to stop them from voting. -
Amendment XX
Establishes rules for presidential succession, and shortened the length of time between the election of the president and federal officials and the beginning of their terms. -
Amendment XXI
Alcoholic beverages are no longer prohibited to be sold or manufactured -
Amendment XXII
No person shall be given a second term, even if elected a second time, but those unaffected by this amendment is the president serving at the time congress proposed this rule. -
Amendment XXIII
Every citizen of every state vote, and the votes are counted, and the amount of votes for the dominant president in that state shall be applied, along with the votes for the other president. -
Amendment XXIV
All citizens over the age of eighteen shall not be denied the right to vote. -
Amendment XXV
In the event of a president's inability to be the leader of the nation, the vice president takes his place. In this event, the president can no longer make laws, it is the vice president's current job then to discharge or pass laws. -
Amednemnt XXVI
No United States citizen of eighteen years or older shall be denied the right to vote by the government. -
Amendment XXVII
No laws shall take affect until members of the government intervene.