amendment timeline ethan maas

  • 11th amendment

    11th amendment
    The 11th amendment deals with if a private citizen sues a state it does not go to federal court. The Eleventh Amendment was passed to overturn the Supreme Court ruling in the 1793 case of Chisholm v. Georgia.
  • 12th amendment

    12th amendment
    12th Amendment provided for separate Electoral College votes for President and Vice President, correcting a error in the earlier electoral system which were responsible for the controversial Presidential Election of 1800
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    The 13th amendment abolished slavery accept for prison labor. The idea of slavery was a controversial subject for a long time. It lead the civil war. after the civil war congress passed the 13th amendment which freed black people from slavery.
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    The 14th amendment Granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States including former enslaved people and guaranteed all citizens equal protection of the laws. After the 13th amendment southern states stopped black people from voting.
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    The 15th amendment says that a state can not deny the right to vote to anyone based on race, color, or as former slave however it did not stop other types of discrimination. former abolitionists and to the Radical Republicans in Congress who fashioned Reconstruction after the Civil War, the 15th amendment, made in 1870, appeared to signify the fulfillment of all promises to African Americans. Social and economic segregation were added to black America's loss of political power
  • 16th amendment

    16th amendment
    16th amendment allowed the federal government to create an income tax. the 16th amendment played a central role in building up the powerful American federal government of the twentieth century by making it possible to enact a, nationwide income tax. Before long the income tax would become by far the federal government's largest source of revenue.
  • 17th amendment

    17th amendment
    The 17th Amendment gave people the right to vote for their senators instead of the state legislature. The amendment also said that if a senate seat is not filled, the governor can pick a new senator. The amendment eliminated all political corruption. The amendment gave senators more power in office. The amendment gave each state more senators.
  • 18th amendment

    18th amendment
    The Eighteenth Amendment declared the production, transport, and sale of intoxicating liquors illegal, though it did not outlaw the actual consumption of alcohol.The Eighteenth Amendment emerged from the organized efforts of the temperance movement and Anti-Saloon League,which said that alcohol virtually all of society's ills and led campaigns at the local, state, and national levels to combat its manufacture, sale, distribution, and consumption
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    The 19th Amendment was added to the Constitution, ensuring that American citizens could no longer be denied the right to vote because of their sex. The suffrage movement that was from 1850- 1920 had fought for the right for women to vote and they got that right in 1920.
  • 20th amendment.

    20th amendment.
    The 20th amendment is a simple amendment that sets the dates at which federal government elected offices end. In also defines who succeeds the president if the president dies.The Twentieth Amendment was designed to remove the excessively long period of time a defeated president or member of Congress would continue to serve after his or her failed for reelection
  • 21st amendment.

    21st amendment.
    The 21st Amendment, repealing the 18th Amendment and bringing an end to the era of national prohibition of alcohol. After prohibition failed and did more harm that good it was finally repealed.
  • 22nd amendment

    22nd amendment
    The amendment prohibits anyone who has been elected president twice from being elected again. This was instated after FDR was elected to three consecutive terms .
  • 23rd amendment

    23rd amendment
    The Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution extends the right to vote in presidential elections to citizens residing in the District of Columbia. The right of no taxation with out representation was argued and people in Washington D.C. got the right to vote in the presidential election.
  • 24th amendment

    24th amendment
    The 24th Amendment, outlawing the poll tax as a voting requirement in federal elections.The poll tax exemplified Jim Crow laws, developed in the post-Reconstruction South, which aimed to disenfranchise black voters and institute segregation.
  • 25th amendment

    25th amendment
    Proposed by Congress and ratified by the states in the aftermath of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the 25th Amendment provides the procedures for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death, removal, resignation, or incapacitation thru the line of succession. Also has a clause that allows the potus to be removed by his or her own cabinet.
  • 26th amendment

    26th amendment
    Lowered the voting age to 18 for U.S. citizens. People where forced to go to war in Vietnam at the age of 18 but could not vote.
  • 27th amendment

    27th amendment
    The Twenty-seventh Amendment prohibits any law that increases or decreases the salary of members of Congress from taking effect until the start of the next set of terms. it was proposed 200 years ago