Amendment 13

  • America was Made

    America was Made
    This is when America first gained freedom. More About the Declaration of Independence
  • The Forming of the Constitution

    The Forming of the Constitution
    The representatives from each state were not sure what to do with slavery. Some thought slaves should count as part of the population. Others didn't. Some even thought that it should be completely abolished. They decided to make the 3/5 Compromise. The Making of the Constitution
  • Lincoln Becomes President

    Lincoln Becomes President
    Lincoln is elected and is not too fond of slavery. About Lincoln
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    The Civil War was a fight for slaves' rights. Civil War Explained
  • 13th Amendment Ratification

    13th Amendment Ratification
    The 13th Amendment was ratified which completely abolished slavery. 13th Amendment Explained
  • New Jersey

    New Jersey
    New Jersey became the last state to completely abolish slavery Other Sates Abolishing Slavery
  • A Matter of Power

    A Matter of Power
    The states started putting a lot of restrictions on freed slaves. Read Paragraph 1, Sentence 1
  • More Violence

    More Violence
    There was more racial violence across America and nobody was doing anything about it. Examples
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The central government didn't like how many restrictions so they gave them more citizen rights. More About the 14th Amendment
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    In 1870 the Government decided to make a new amendment: The 15th Amendment. It stated that all men have the right to vote in all elections. More About the 15th