When she born...
Amelia Earhart Was born into a normal family in Atchiston Kansas. From a very young age she showed great interest in airplanes and flying machines -
Amelia Earhart graduates from high school and goes to Columbia university in New York -
Was a volunteer...
Amelia Earhart volunteers as a nurse during World War I. This helped Amelia position herself in the world of aviation -
Her first fly
Amelia Earhart does her first flight practice. Fly in California in an airshow -
She bought a plane!!
Amelia Earhart beguins to love the world of aviation and decides to buy a plane -
She cross the Atlantic ocean
Amelia Earhart became the first woman to coss the atlantic Ocean in a Locheed Vega 5B In addition to being the first person to cossthis ocean -
She Breaks Records
Amelia Earhart flies from Hwaii to California breaking all records -
Amelia Earhart tries to fly around the world but when she reaches the Pacific Ocean She disappears and no one hears from her self again