Establishment of Cape Town by Dutch
Period: to
Series of 9 Wars with Xhosa
Settlers were at war against natives tribes as they tried to gain independence -
Period: to
British started to occupy Cape town
In 1800, they seized the rest of the territory and called it ??? -
?Foundation of the Boer Republics ?
British immigration in South Africa
Independence of the two Boers states
Two Boers states were founded and gained international recognition. -
Discover of Gold and Diamonds
Boosted Boers efforts to dominate tribes. Construction of a train line -
Anglo-Zulu war
The anglo Zulu were fought. The Zulu won, however, it ended their independance -
Creation of district 6
Period: to
War between Boers and England
The British were at war against the Boers for the control of the rich regions -
SA became a self-governing British domination
Independance of South Africa. It became a self governing British dominion -
Black People reunited in neighbourhood
Blacks (81%) were displaces. Blacks couldn't buy land anywhere else than the allocated territories (13% of the territory) -
Union Act (last act of British domination)
Status of the Union Act rremoved?????? -
Beginning of the Apartheid
Period: to
From 1949 to 1971, 148 laws about Apartheid were enacted -
Official classication of skin colour
Official classification of Races
Relocation of black people in "Homelands" or "townships" (rural and underprivileged areas) Communist party of SA was banned. -
Shaperville Massacre at a Pan Africanist Congress rally. ANC and PAC outlawed
In the 1960s, economic inequality due to the exploitation of black people -
Nelson Mandela and other leaders decided to fight against the NP. SA leaves the Commonwealth and is declared an independent Republic -
Arrestation of leaders
N. Mandela and other leaders were put in jail or prison. Martin Luther King and JFK picked up the torch -
Many subjects in schools are now taughts in Afrikaans (= language of the Dutch Colonists) -
Period: to
Elections of the majoritary party, NP
Decisions of F W de Klerk
- legalisation of the ANC (party againt apartheid)
- end of the Apartheid
- released ???
End of the Apartheid
First democratic election, Mandela was elected as the