Lift Raft by Maria Beasekey
Beasley designed an improved life raft with guard rails that was fireproof and it is capable of folding and unfolding, making it easy storage, even with the rails. -
Lift Raft by Maria Beasekey
Her life rafts were used on the Titanic and saved over 700 lives.
It is still used today. -
Lift Raft by Maria Beasekey
Beasley was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1847.
Between 1878 and 1898 the American patented up to 15 inventions, including a foot warmer, a steam generator and a machine for making wooden barrels that made her a millionaire -
Dishwasher by Josephine Cochran
In 1886 with help of a mechanic she created the first successful automatic dishwasher, her invention not only separated compartments for different things and also used pressurized jets of water to do the cleaning. -
Dishwasher by Josephine Cochran
Josephine Garis Cochran (March 8, 1839 – August 3, 1913) was an American inventor housewife who was the inventor of the first commercially successful automatic dishwasher, -
Fire Escape by Anna Conelly
She was an American inventor who liked to help people with her knowledge -
Fire Escape by Anna Connelly
Connelly achieved a revolutionary design, which made buildings safer by adding an exterior staircase with platforms between levels that prevented people from falling several stories down a flight in the panic of an emergency. -
Medical syringe by Letitia Geer
Letitia Mumford Geer (1853-1935) was an American nurse and inventor who designed and patented in 1899 the current model of hypodermic syringe used by healthcare. -
Medical syringe by Letitia Geer
For centuries before Greer’s invention of a one-handed syringe, medical professionals had been using syringes that required both hands to administer injections. -
Windscreen wipers by Mary Anderson
Anderson was born in Alabama in 1866 and worked for nearly a decade in construction in Birmingham, managing the apartments, until in 1889 he decided to move to California and try ranching and viticulture. -
Windscreen wipers by Mary Anderson
She noticed how drivers that were on the roads there needs to constantly clean manually wipe their windscreens and and she designed an effective model -
Electric refrigerator by Florencia Parpart
She was born in New York, had a life as a housewife until in 1904, still single, she obtained her first patent -
Street sweeper by Florencia Parpart
Street sweeper design was not the first, but it was such an improvement on earlier models -
Electric refrigerator by Florencia Parpart
In a time when people were still using ice-boxes, Parpart patented an electric refrigerator that she successfully marketed and improved upon for years. -
Bullet-proof vest by Stephanie Kwolek
It was invented in 1965 by a chemist called Stephanie Kwolek who was researching the applications of liquid crystalline polyamides. -
Bullet-proof vest by Stephanie Kwolek
Kevlar is key material for manufacturing bullet proof vests, and also deployed widely in many other areas. It is 5 times stronger than the steel and also 5 times lighter -
¿Which was the first invention mentioned?
a. Lift Raft
b. Dishwasher
c.Fire Escape -
Klever the material used in Bulletproof vest is
a.It is 5 times stronger than the steel and also 5 times lighter
b.It is 3 times stronger than the steel and also 3 times lighter
c. It is 10 times stronger than the steel and also 10 times lighter -
Before, the women couldn't do
a. Wear pants
b. Vote
c. Cook