Old phone images

My Lifetime in Phones

  • Rotary Phone

    Rotary Phone
    Remember having one of these phones beside my parent's bed.
  • Touchtone Phone

    Touchtone Phone
    Next phone I remember having. I remember calling places and the recording would say, "If you are calling from a rotary phone press 1).
  • CB Radio

    CB Radio
    This is how we communicated with my dad on the farm. Before cell phones this was the only way we could communicate with him.
  • Cordless Phone

    Cordless Phone
    First cordless phone I remember having
  • "The Brick"

    "The Brick"
    My sister and her husband bought one of the first cell phones also known as "The Brick".
  • Office Phone

    Office Phone
    This is the phone in the Dentist Office I worked at as the Office Manager.
  • First Personal Cell Phone

    First Personal Cell Phone
    This is the first personal cell phone I had in 1998. I paid by the minute.
  • First Phone with Keyboard

    First Phone with Keyboard
    First cell phone I had with a keyboard.
  • Blackberry

    First Blackberry I had.
  • First Smart Phone

    First Smart Phone
    I got an iPhone in 2012. Yep it was awhile before we moved from the slide keyboard phone to an iPhone. It was an iPhone 4!
  • Current Phone

    Current Phone
    iPhone 10 is the current phone I have. My husband and I have been married for 17 years and we have never had a landline phone.