Abraham lincoln

Amanda's Civil War Timeline

  • The Dred Scott case

    The Dred Scott case
    Dred Scott eventually tried to sue for his freedom. Slaves during the Dred Scott case were known as property. Slaves lived in free land for periods of time.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    Westward expansion revived debates over the expansion of slavery in the U.S. The success of various measures depended on different interest groups and all eventually passed. The on the bus bill provided a strict fugitive slave law for the return of runaway slaves and it would abolish slave trade in Washington D.C.
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
    Congress put in effort to stop slaves by passing the fugitive slave law. Harriet Tubman was a key conductor in the Underground Railroad
  • The Kansas- Nebraska Act of 1854

    The Kansas- Nebraska Act of 1854
    Fighting over Slavery. Let people vote free state or slave state. Violence broke out during voting.
  • The Raid at Harper's Fairy (John Brown)

    The Raid at Harper's Fairy (John Brown)
    Brown believed that god had chosen him to free the slaves from bundage. Robert E. Lee sent U.S. marines killed 10 of his men and captured/ injured Brown. Secret was group of educated and dedicated reformers that aided Brown.
  • The Lincoln/Douglas Debates

    The Lincoln/Douglas Debates
    Both men used dublous tactics, negative campaigning, and shaky defenses of their own positions. Because of these debates Lincoln damaged his chances to capture a united democratic parties nomination for president in 1860. Douglas won the senate race, and Lincoln lost, but Lincoln becomes a famous name.
  • The Confederate States of America

    The Confederate States of America
    The confederates states formed quickly within the months under president Davis. The army they had collapsed quickly because Robert E. Lee surrendered.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    the confederate army wins the battle of fredericksburg. The south looked to good to be beat during the battle of fredericksburg.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    The confederate Army won at the Battle of Chancellorsville. Stonewall Jackson loses his life during the Battle of Chancellorsville.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    The Union Army won at the Battle of Vicksburg. The Union gained control of the Mississippi river.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    President Lincoln gave his famous speech at a ceremony dedicating a cemetery. He helped America look a head. He brought America back together again.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The confederate and union armies fought a 3-day battle in July 1863. 13,000 confederate forces led by General Pickett advanced unit lines. The unit fired the confederate troops marched across open territory. This was a huge mistake made by Lee. Lee's troops retreated to Virginia in defeat.
  • Atlanta

    The union won the battle that took place in Atlanta. The union captured and destroyed Atlanta the confederates biggest state.
  • The thirteenth Amendment Ratified

    The thirteenth Amendment Ratified
    The thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    The main reason for the KKK to form was to keep African Americans from voting. Nathan Bedford Forrest was the 1st grand wizard of the KKK.
  • Richmond/ Appromattox court House

    Richmond/ Appromattox court House
    The union won the battle at Richmond/ Appomattox Court House. The confederates surrendered. He made Robert E. Lee surrender back to Virginia.
  • John Wilkes Booth

    John Wilkes Booth
    President Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.
  • The 14th Amendment

    The 14th Amendment
    Gave African Americans equal protection under the law and citizenship to everyone born in the U.S.
  • Andrew Johnson's Impeachment

    Andrew Johnson's Impeachment
    He fired sec. of war Edward Stanton. Violated the office of tenure act. House of representatives bring the impeachment charges. Senate will act as the court. He was found innocent by one vote.
  • Ulysses S. Grant becomes the 18th President

    Ulysses S. Grant becomes the 18th President
    He was a popular war hero, but a disappointing president. Political scandals and corruption occurred during his presidency. 15th Amendment was ratified.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The 15th Amendment gave African American males the right to vote.
  • Andrew Johnson becomes president after Lincolns assassination

    Andrew Johnson becomes president after Lincolns assassination
    He pardoned most confederates who swore allegiance to the Union. States could new governments and send representatives to congress as soon as 10% of its population took an oath of allegiance.