I've noticed my mother acting differently. She misplaces things and asks the same question multiple times. She just isn't herself. It's almost as if her memory is going. -
First Doctor's Appointment
The doctors preformed some cognitive screens on my mother and they noticed that she most likely has a memory issue. They suspect that she has Alzhiemer's disease, -
Confirmation and Obvious Decline
They doctors have confirmed that my mother is suffering from alzheimer's disease. It's getting more and more obvious as if she's on a continual downward slope. She hardly ever remembers my name, and she always asks where my father is, even though she knows he passed away five years ago. -
Making the Decision- Putting her in a home
Today I made the decision to put my mom on the waiting list for an old age home. She's been on a steady decline both mentally and physically and its hard on both of us. I feel that she will be in better care in a place where she can get the care of nurses all day. -
One Year- Forgetting who I am
So. Now my mom's been in the senior's residence for exactly a year. I visit her as often as I can. I see her almost everyday. She can still remember my name somedays, but she forgets it more often than not. Today she called me Pauline, which is her sister's name. The doctor had to give her a stronger medication and I'm not sure what it's supposed to do. She's fine though, and she still tells old stories like usual, so that's good. -
Doctors- Had a fall, is now in a wheelchair
Mom had a fall last night and the nurses took her to the hospital. The doctors have found out that mom also has a swallowing problem and has a bit of pneumonia. She didn't tell anyone about the symptoms because she was embarrssed to have a problem eating and drinking. They said she'll be back in her bed in few days. Her doctor also put her in a wheelchair and allows her to foot-propel to minimize fall risks. -
General Health - Can't talk, Can't walk. Doesn't know anyone.
Mom can't talk very well anymore. She say a few words and then they start to come out in jibberish. She's been in the hospital numerous times for falls, and she needs somebody to feed her. She doesn't know who anyone is anymore. I still visit her everyday, but it gets so hard. -
Worried- It may be her last few days.
My mom hasn't been the same in a long time, but now there's almost nothing left to her. She refuses to eat, and she can't talk. She's always asleep and the nurses have a hard time giving her medication. The doctor told me that she isn't healthy, and she won't be around very long.