Stephen Douglas Wins the 1860 Election
The Confederete States Won the Civil War
Period: to
The Cash Construction
Because there is slavery The Reconstruction causes more money to be brought to the C.S.A. and industrialize the C.S.A. -
The Confederate States Don't Join the U.S.
The C.S.A. Buys Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri
Due to growth in population the C.S.A. buys the border states. -
The C.S.A. buys parts of Africa to find more labor for the Economic Superpower
As the number of industries increase the labor needed also increases, So they thought why not go to the origin of the people they already enslaved -
The troops of Africa
With these new troops recentally abtained from the Africa purchase They dicided to go for the place below them... Mexico. -
Period: to
The C.S.A. vs Mexico
During this war the C.S.A. did this for their ever expanding population, and you know just taking advantage of another race is always nice for the C.S.A. -
The Rebellion
With these new people they know they shouldn't be slaves and with new ones they dicide now is the time to get back at the C.S.A. -
The return
After the rebellion the timeline forms back to the one we know today