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Alopecia timeline

By abester
  • first small bald spot noticed by hair stylist - assumed stress related alopecia.

    first small bald spot noticed by hair stylist - assumed stress related alopecia.
  • first injections

    first injections
    first visit to dermatologist - alopecia areata - treated with steroid injections to single spot on back of head.
  • 2 more bald spots

    2 more bald spots
    dermatologist treats two new bald spots with stronger steroid injections, recommends a biopsy if the hair loss continues.
  • beginning of steriods

    beginning of steriods
    began taking prednisone (oral steroids), in addition to injections, 60mg daily, see a drastic reduction in hair loss after one week on prednisone.
  • start noticing that i was losing more hair at once

    start noticing that i was losing more hair at once
    feel as though hair loss is increasing, up prednisone dosage to 60mg daily.
  • buzzed hair, bought a wig.

    buzzed hair, bought a wig.
    met with Dr. Roberts, she did a thorough exam of my scalp, checked my nails and the rest of my body. said that I have a decent chance at growing it back, but supported my decision to shave my head.
  • i noticed that...

    i noticed that...
    noticed that even the spots that had been injected with steroids were losing hair again, shaved my head down to scalp. totally bald on my head.
  • makeup lessons

    makeup lessons
    had my first makeup lesson with Blush Beaty Bar to help me with my loss of brows and lashes.
  • I got married! And ate foods I was allergic to. But then went back to the diet.

     I got married! And ate foods I was allergic to. But then went back to the diet.
    BJ and I worked remotely in the midwest and I began eating poorly again.
  • keeping track of my health

    keeping track of my health
    I decide to start looking into my health again. Make appointment with Pam Rathbone to retest Adrenal performance and run labs on thyroids, iron, testosterone, DHEA, etc.