Ally's Timeline

  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    I was born on October 18, 2005 and everyday my parents say I was a blessing.
  • Learner

    I was trying to learn to ice skate just like my three older brothers and I was so nervous yet ready with all my equipment!
  • Athlete

    I played softball for 13 years and this was my first ever t-ball game that started it all.
  • Loyal

    I am a family oriented person and with that comes loyalty and I have great bonds with my family and hang out with them and act like we actually like eachother.
  • Loving

    We adopted our puppy Jacie!
  • First Hangout

    First Hangout
    This was one of my first times hanging out with my bestfriend that I still have to this day.
  • Bravery

    This was my first time on a plane and I was so nervous yet so excited.
  • My Baby!

    My Baby!
    My cat is my baby and I love her more than anything and I've had her since before I can remember and we've been bestfriends since day 1!
  • Halloween

    This was one of my first Halloweens when I had dressed up and went trick or treating with a friend!
  • Disney!

    This was my first time going to Disney World and I had so much fun and I still have the hat I'm wearing! It doesn't fit me but I still love it.
  • Risk Taker

    Risk Taker
    I went to Six Flags for one of the first times where I could ride most of the rides!
  • Los Angeles

    Los Angeles
    I went to Los Angeles for the first time with my family and I had so much fun and I have been wanting to go back ever since.
  • Determination

    I graduated 8th grade during a global pandemic!
  • Happiness

    I had gotten to swim and hang out with sea lions on a vacation and I felt over joyed with all the good vibes that were brought with.
  • Wedding

    My oldest brother got married and it was one of the most exciting times I've gotten to be apart of!
  • Selflessness

    I had went to a Blackhawks game and they had a spot where we could make posters and my moms friend was fighting cancer and my friend and I made a sign to cheer her on and support her through her hard times.
  • Innocence

    I went to Disney World and I saw my favorite princess and I felt like I was releasing my inner child!
  • Cruise

    I went on a cruise and made so many friends and the two friends I had it was heartbreaking saying bye to them knowing I'd never see them again. I cried like a baby.
  • Pluto

    I went to Disney again over the summer after my cruise and I got to meet all the characters from Mickey's crew during a dinner and I was so excited to see them all.
  • Homecoming

    I had my first big homecoming as a high schooler!