Ally Brown: APUSH Timeline 1775-1789

  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    Kicked off the American Revolution. British troops had marched from Boston to Concord to try to seize armed cashe. Paul Reveer had heard and told americans; imediatly began gathering. A confederation between american and British happened in Lexiongton. with so much tension built up, and fighting at that moment, the first shot from a Britian.
  • 2nd Continental Congress

    2nd Continental Congress
    Patriod leaders gathered in philiadelphia. At this meeting, leaders exhorted to rise a Continental Army and nominated Georgia Washington to lead it. NEEDED to create army to fight was that was already going on.
  • Common Sense written

    Common Sense written
    Thomas Pain has successfully written and published this small phamplet to favor american independence. considered one of the most influencial documents on the americans, transforming these useless miniute men who lived under British rule to hopeful american citezens
  • Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

    Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
    First american win, although small, gave continental army hope.Fort Ticonderoaga served as a key place to acess both canada and Hudson River Valley
  • Delaware River Attack

    General George Washington crosses the Delaware River to Trenton New Jersey in the dead of night to spring a surprise attack on the British troops. After haulting their military campaign because of the colder months, the brithish army was vonvurable, giving americans full advantage to catch them off gaurd. Outnumbered and unprepared, 1000 German soildiers were forced to surender to the americans
  • Isolation of New England

    Isolation of New England
    Lord North mounted towards a major military campaign; to divide and conquer New England. General Burgoyne lead his army from the south, Colonel Barry lead is troops from the west to attack and General Howe lead his troops from the north.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    This was the turning point of the war in favor for Americans. Led by Horatio Gates, the continental army took a great win. Two military engagements finally forced British troops, led by C. Burgoyne, to surrender all 6000 of their troops. Americans only had 2000 troops at this time.
  • Articals of Confederation Adopted

    Articals of Confederation Adopted
    Alth9ough the congress started to write the Articals of Confederation in 1775 during the second continental congress, it was not formally ratified until 1781. This document provided some structure for our new county. This document over time did fail, how ever it awws the only article of the new country that unified us in any way.
  • Cornwallis Surrenders at Yorktown

    Cornwallis Surrenders at Yorktown
    Cornwallis and his men had moved towards Pennsylvania when a fleet for Fremch men took control of the Chesapeake Bay, leaving no escape route for British troops. Surrounded with a two to one ratio, Cornwallis's army was outnumbered by Patriots. He was then forced to surrender in Yoktwon, PA, thus ending the war, with a win for Americans.
  • Treaty of Paris

    After long years of fighting and determination, Americans had accomplished their dreams; defeat the powerful British empire. U.S. and Great Britian signed a document to affirm America's status as a free nation now
  • U.S. Constitution is signed

    U.S. Constitution is signed
    The U.S. Constitution established America's government, laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens. It was signed by 38 of 41 delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, presided over by George Washington.