
Allied VIctory in Europe Bireley

  • D-Day: The Invasion of Normandy

    D-Day: The Invasion of Normandy
    The Allied forces invaded on the beaches of Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword. This was a surprise attack on the Germans because they thought the Fleet would land in Calis, plus the weather was bad that day. Hitler was not convinced that this was a real attack so he didn't even send reenforcements in. There were many casulties, but after it all happened there were 150,000+ soilders on land, so the liberation had begun. This led the Allies to their uprising.
  • LIberation of Paris

    LIberation of Paris
    Rebel France residents wanted to uprise against the German powers because at this time they were weak do to the forces that threatened them in France soil, so Hitler asked the German governor, General Dietrich von Choltitz, to use his forces to set fire to Paris. Little to their knowledge that 2 days later Choltitz made a truce with the rebels and pulled his forces form the city. This was a turning point because German's power as pushed back even more.
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    Allied Offensive in the Saar Valey

    The Allied troops were set to fight against German soliders on the border near Colonge, but due to bad weather they wanted to delay the battle. United States General Patton wanted to continue his march anyways. In Novemeber, they pushed towards Saar Valley. By December, hey were at the West Wall (a line of defenses along the border between France and Germany). For the FIrst time, Allied forces were on German soil finally.
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    The Battle of the Bulge

    Hitler wanted revenge from the attack at Normandy, so he launched his troops in December for the Allies' defence lines, this was a surprise to them because they weren't expecting an attack from the beaten Axis powers. The weather had began to be clear enough to fly again, so the Allies sent to the air. Germany was afraid of losing anymore men so the retreated. Allies had gained back all the territory they lost.
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    Closing of the Ruhr Pocket

    The German forces were all centered in Ruhr Valley, so the Allied forces surroundd them. Germans were so hopeless in winning this battle the soliders surrenedered, the comander even contimplated suicide. Germany was o longer a threat in the west, giving that to the Allies's power.
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    The Battle of Berlin

    In January, the Soviet was on Gemran territory. Knowning an attack on the capital of Berlin would happen at any second, Hitler hid in a bunker under the city to continue to plan invansions and attacks. In April, the Soviets armed with tanks started closing in, after fighting their way in against the enemy, they were right outside Berlin's city limits. Hitler commited suicide, the world war was over.