
All Me home-e

  • Birthed

    16 years ago.
  • Boom!

    I fell out of my crib and onto my head. I didn't cry, but there was a big bump on my forehead for months.
  • Grandfather died

    My grandfather died on August 3th from Lung Cancer.
  • Little Sister was born

    My sister was born on the fifteenth of August.
  • New School

    I transfered schools!
  • Coco!

    My parents brought home my AMAZING dog coco! He's a shih-tzu
  • Mustache

    My mustache was finally noticed.
  • We made it

    We made it
    Graduated Eighth Grade
  • Sister left to College

    Sister left to College
    My sister went to Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois
  • TAFT

    Started HighSchool!
  • New Family

    I met my family that lived in Colombia for the first time.
  • Colombia

    First trip on a plane and to Colombia!
  • GassyMexican

    I met one of my favorite entertainers from Youtube.
  • First Concert

    On spetember 20th i saw one of my favorite music artists, Robert Delong, perform live!
  • Second Concert

    I saw another one of my favorite music artists, Yonas
  • Career

    On this day i realized that i wanted to be either a teacher or/and a live event caster.
  • First Broken Bone

    First Broken Bone
    Fell off my bike
  • First Custom Jersey!

    I bought my first custom jersey!
  • Permit

    I got my driving permit.
  • Caring

    I mowed an elderly man's lawn.