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All About the USA

  • Start the journey to “the New World”

    Start the journey to “the New World”
    102 pilgrims sailed from England to America, and journey for 65 days on the ship the Mayflower.
  • Finish the journey to “the New World”

    Finish the journey to “the New World”
    Pilgrims ship reached land and left to explore the area. They decided to build a village there, and they called the village Plymouth.
  • Contact with Natives

    Contact with Natives
    Pilgrims met a Native American and he introduced them to his tribe. The Natives taught how to grow corn, beans and pumpkins.
  • Period: to

    Developing and evolving

    During 1750s, the British had 13 colonies on the east coast of North and about two and a half million colonist lived there. France and Spain also owned big areas.
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    Frist war

    The British army and the colonists fought the French over land North America.
  • Independence's Day

    Independence's Day
    The Colonies declared independence from Great Britain. Their leaders published the Declaration of Independence.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The colonists, led by George Washington fought many battles, buy they defeated the British and singed the Treaty of Paris. They called their new nation the United States of America (USA).
  • Doubled the size of the country

    Doubled the size of the country
    The French still owned some land, and the French Emperor, Napoleon offered to sell the land to USA for $15 million. The president Thomas Jefferson, accepted and singed the Louisiana Purchase Agreement.
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    Trail of Tears

    The US Government created the first Indian territory in the area now called Oklahoma. They forced more than 15.000 Cherokee people to leaves their homes in Georgia and walk 1.600 km to their new territory. Around 4.000 Cherokee people died on the way
  • Territory and society

    Territory and society
    The people in north life in towns, but in south they live on plantation own slaves. The plantation owners want to keep their slaves, but people in the north want to abolish slavery.
    Abraham Lincoln wants to end slavery, and he wants to keep the country together.
  • The south

    The south
    The south has go their confederacy, it’s got 11 states. Richmond, in Virginia is the capital. They think they are different nations from the union of the north.
  • New war

    New war
    Thousands of people are dead. Both the people in the north and the south are suffering, and Confederates are losing. They have got fewer soldiers than the Union.
  • Country like a one Nation

    Country like a one Nation
    The general Robert E Lee, the confederate army leader, surrendered to General Ulysses Grant. The war was ending and the slaves are free, but more than 600.000 American are dead.