All about the USA

  • The voyage of the Mayflower

    The voyage of the Mayflower
    A group of 102 piligrims sailed from England to America on the ship Mayflower.This was a difficult trip because of the storms but the piligrims decided to continue on to the America
  • The discovering of America

    The discovering of America
    The piligrims saw a land, so they were very excited because their journey was near the end.When the ship reached land some piligrims explore the area ther saw a good place and decided to build a village there.
  • New immigrants

    New immigrants
    Other people wanted to life in the New World. The british had 13 colonies but France and Spain also owned big areas of land in North America and wanted to influence the New World too
  • Independence from Great Britain

    Independence from Great Britain
    From 1754 to 1763 the British army and the colonists fought the French over land in North America.They won the war.The 13 colonies decided to join together to fight the british. The colonies declared independence fro Great Britain and their leaders published the Declaration of Independence,then the fighting the emd they defeated the British And signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783.They called their new nation the United States of America
  • Expansion

    The US Government created the first Indian country in the area now called Oklahoma.They forced more than 15,000 Cherokee people to leave theirs homes in Georgia and walk 1,600km to their new territory.Around 4,000 Cherokee people died on the way and they called this journey the "Trail of Tears"
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Abraham Lincoln is the president of the USA.He wants to end slavery.The people want to leave the Union and have their own nation,but Lincoln wants to keep the country toghether
  • The end of the war

    The end of the war
    General Robert E. Lee,the Confederate army leader,surrendered to General Ulysses Grant,the Union army leader.It´s the end of the war!But more than 600,000 americans are dead.Now the slaver are free and the country is one netion.