All About the Life of Skylar

  • My Birth Date

    I was born at 8:00 A.M on a Friday, at Mount Sinai Hospital. My parents were so happy to see me for the first time. I was a beautiful, chubby baby.
  • First Christmas

    For my first Christmas, I spent it in Antigua with my mom's side of the family.
  • Christening

    I went to my christening with my whole family that day.
  • Baptism

    I got baptisted by one of my favourite Uncle's who loved Garfield.
    But he passed away a few years ago. I truly miss him!
  • First birthday

    This was my first birthday. I spent it in Antigua. Antigua is where my mom is from. I have a lot of family down there. I had a kiddie bouncy castle, a big birthday cake, and lots of family there to celebrate the best first birthday anyone could ever have.
  • First Wedding

    Ths was the fist wedding I had ever gone to. That was a great day.
  • First Day of School

    This was my first day to school. All the other kids were crying except me.
  • First Time to the Beach

    I went on a trip to the beach when I was in Antigua, with my good friend Stefano.
  • Dance

    I started to do dance lessons when I was 3 years old. I did it for 9 years then I felt like basketball was something I should do instead of dance.
  • First Time on a Horse

    This was the first time I had ever been on a horse. I loved it/them so much.
  • Soccer

    I played soccer for fun!
  • Grandpa Passed Away

    My grandpa passed away when I was 5 about to turn 6. I miss him so much. He was the best grandpa I had ever had.
  • Birth of my Brother

    My younger brother, Noah was born! He was born at 8:00 a.m, on a Friday too.
  • Became Members of my Church

    My mom, borther and I became members of my chuch. It;s called Trinity Anglican Church. We game members on my brothers birthday.
  • Went to Indian Wedding

    I went to my Uncle's wedding. But here's the twist it was an indian wedding. I had so much fun. I love weddings!
  • Best Summer Trip Ever!

    I went to Antigua for 6 weeks. I had a blast.
  • Canda's Wonderland

    I went to Canada's Wonderland with my best friend Mackenzie. The first ride we went on was Leviathan. That was the best day I ever had.