• My arrival to the real world

    I was born in December 10th 2001.I was born in the city Amarillo located on the biggest state in the U.S Texas.
  • First day of school.

    My first day of school was memorable because it was the first time I was ever separated from my parents.All I remember was crying alot.
  • My first broken bone.

    How can I forget the day I broke my arm? I was 6 years old and my brothers and I were Into WWE a wrestling show at the time.We decided to play on top of are bunks beds.My youngest brother was out by submission and my oldest brother and I were the last one standing so my brother decided to do his finisher by throwing me of the bunk bed,I landed on my left arm and I felt the pain and I was crying for a while and my mom took me to the E.R and it was determined that I have broken my arm.
  • My 7th birthday

    My 7th birthday was super exiting.It was a Hulk themed party a lot of my friends and family attended.I had the time of my life.
  • my first football game

    My first football game was for the Garden Grove Bulldogs.I was so hyped for the game I was bragging about it to my friends.My first game was a success because we won that day.
  • skateboarding for the first time.

    My mom had just bought me a skateboard I had nothing else to do so I called my friends to skate then we went to a park my friends already knew how to skate so they were teaching me how to skate and do tricks I learned pretty quick according to me friends.
  • Christmas of 2011

    Christmas of 2011 was one of my favorites.I had to wait a long time before opening any presents.there was a lot of good food to fest on it was 12 o'clock finally I got to open all my presents.I got a ps3 a bike clothes and other things I was satisfied.
  • My first pet

    My first pet was a bearded dragon,a bearded dragon is a type of reptile.My bearded dragon was a red orange color .I named my pet Charizard like the famous Pokemon character.I fed him crickets and worms.
  • 8th grade commencement

    I was excited to leave my middle school Doig and to move on to high school.It was sad to leave all my teachers and all my other friends going to different high schools.I got my middle school diploma and I felt like I accomplished something.It made my mom happy.
  • First day of highschool

    I was anxious to show up to my first day at school.I went to go look for my classes,I was not used to being older kids and big campuses.I had a couple of friends because of the area I lived.At the end of the day I did a good,found all my classes,made new friends,and I learned a couple things.