All About Me

  • My life story

    I was born and raised in Santa Ana. I was born in October 28,2002.
  • Baby Brother

    In march my brother came into my family's life. We were blessed to have him.
  • Growing up

    I grew up with my sister and brother along with my cousins. We were always together.
  • Cousins in Trouble

    Later, my cousins started getting locked up. They were affiliated in gangs.
  • Christmas

    Christmas came and we celebrated. We made a feast and ate while opening presents.
  • Summer

    Summer came and I was relieved. I was sleeping in late. I wasn't worrying about nothing.
  • Knott's Soak City

    Going to the water park was fun. The whole family was their getting along. We were relaxing in the lazy river.
  • Fourth of July

    One of my cousin came back from Vegas and brought fireworks from there. We were just blowing them up going to other streets.
  • Got my pet

    I got my pet Hulk. He was a huge Blue-Nosed Pitbull. His color was grey and white
  • Middle school

    It was the first day at school. I remember wearing my new all 90' white Air max. It was the best pair of shoes that I owned at the time.
  • Birthday

    It was my birthday. I went to school then my friends punched me. Coming home I had a party.
  • Cousin out

    My cousin got out of jail. He went to finish school and got a job. Now he lives in Riverside with his wife.
  • Second pet

    I got a Siberian Husky. When I got her she was 4 months old.
  • Sophomore Year

    Started off great with everything.
  • Present

    Got in trouble for going into a teacher's classroom and tried fighting a kid.