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justavia's Idealistic timeline

  • Day i was born

    the day i was born it was a good day for my mother
  • My second birthday

    the day I turned two
  • upward bound

    upward bound
    in upward bound, it is a college carer readiness program Upward Bound is a federally funded educational program within the United States. The program is one of a cluster of programs now referred to as TRiO, all of which owe their existence to the federal Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 and the Higher Education Act of 1965. I started 2016
  • Tell about me

    Tell about me
    my hame is justavia and I just turned 17 on my birthday is September 1, 2002
  • graduation,

    the day I will walk across the stage and become an independent young lady
  • college

    philander smith college for nursing
  • kids

    I want to have at least two kids at the most