My birth
i was baptised at my church
i was baptised at christ memorial lutheran church -
president bush was elected
the twin towers falling down
My little brother was born
first day of grades school
hurricane katrina
hurricane katrina was in new orleans -
obama was elected
my parents get a divorce
i do not know the exact date but it was still sad -
car accident!!!
my dad got rearended by a nun going 40mph at a stoplight and my older brother was sick and had to stay home and couldn't go to school. My little brother got hit by my dad sunglasses and phone and had a giant bump, we were going to turn lef ton the green light but there were cars passed and i had a bad headache from it and also gave my dad a minor concusion -
i was confirmed at my church
boston bombing
8th grade trip
at my school the 8th graders took a two day trip as a class to a couple different places -
cardinal ump!
my grandparents know the old cardinals ump.we went to his house and saw all the cardinals stuff he collected and his name is dave phillips. -
first day of high school
cardinal game!!!
my first mission trip!
i went on a mission trip with my vhurch over the summer to henning, minnasota for a week -
I went on vacation to florida