All About Me

  • Day of Birth

    I was born with a twin sister. She is two minutes older
  • Elementary School

    Elementary School
    Attended Reskin Elementary
  • Clarinet

    Started playing the clarinet in 5th grade until I graduated high school
  • Piano Lessons

    Piano Lessons
    Took lessons from 3rd grade until Freshman in highschool
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    Attend Marquardt Middle school in Glendale Heights
  • High School

    High School
    Attended Glenbard East High school in Lombard. I graduated the class of 2004
  • First Job

    First Job
    F.Y.E. (For Your Entertainment) record store in Stratford mall
  • Met High School Sweetheard

    Met High School Sweetheard
    My husband and I met in high school while working at Red Lobster together... the rest is history. :-)
  • College

    Started College at COD
  • Transfer College

    Transfer College
    Transferred to NIU School of Education in the fall of 2006
  • NIU Shooting

    NIU Shooting
    I was on campus not even 5 minutes before the shooting happened. I was one building over from where it happened. I would've been closer, but our professor had cancelled our next class due to something unrelated. I will never that day.
  • First Adult Job

    First Adult Job
    I got my first job teaching 6th grade at Jay Stream Middle school in Carol Stream
  • Cheer Coach

    Cheer Coach
    My first time coaching ever. Had a great co-coach. Thing I miss most about doing elementary is not being able to coach.
  • Track Coach

    Track Coach
    I was able to coach track, having never coached this before, I learned a lot about the triple job and not liking spring weather!
  • New Job

    After getting RIF'd. I had to find a new position 6th coteaching in Romeoville.
  • Married!!!

    Got to marry my high school sweetheart and love of my life after 10 years of waiting!!!
  • Wood View

    This is my current school and position. I teach K/1 self-contained social/emotional/behavioral disorders.