All about me

  • when i was born

    when i was born
    i was born in Santa Ana California November 25 2001 .
  • when my sister was born

    when my sister was born
    when my sister was born i was really happy because i was an only child and i knew i was gonna have a sister who to talk too which is named lesley.
  • when i feel off my bike

    when i feel off my bike
    when i feel off my bike i was like 7 0r 8 i was riding it and suddently i feel and my leg got stuck in the bike chain and since then i have a scar in my left leg.
  • when i learned how to rollerskate

    when i learned how to rollerskate
    when i learned how to rollerskate i fell alot of times and got bruises and i had pain but i still did it and learned how to skate.
  • when i first went to Disneyland

    when i first went to Disneyland
    My very first trip to Disney land was when i was 9 years old and i was very exited to get to know Disney.
  • when i got in a fight with my friend and we were not talking for a whole week

    when i got in a fight with my friend and we were not talking for a whole week
    i got in a fight with one of my best friends in elementary and we did not talk at all until we finally made up.
  • when i had really good grades

    when i had really good grades
    In elementary i was a really good student and i was good with math
  • when i burned my hand with the hot water of cup of noodles.

    when i burned my hand with the hot water of cup of noodles.
    When i burned my hand with the cup of noodles it was the day that i had made a soup and i added way to much hot water that i took it out the microwave and burned my whole hand that day was hurtful.
  • when i finally got out of 8th grade

    when i finally got out of 8th grade
    when i finally got out of 8th grade i was very happy but at the same time scared because i didn't know how high school was but know i am very comfortable.

    I go to Santiago high school.
  • The New member in the family

    The New member in the family
    November 16,2015 my mom welcomed a baby girl to the family and i was really exited to see my baby sister which is named mailin
  • My trip to big bear

    My trip to big bear
    On my trip to big bear i went with all my family and it was very fun gathering together and going up the snow even tho it was freezing and cold at first i did not want to get out of the car because it was like 20 degrees and i was freezing out.After that i got over it and enjoyed it.
  • My favorite athlete

    My favorite athlete
    My favorite athlete would be cristiano ronaldo. He plays for real Madrid.
  • my trip to mexico michoacan

    my trip to mexico michoacan
    i have always gone to mexico during all my breaks or summer i really love mexico and enjoy having vacations their.
  • when i first started the glam and started doing my makeup

    when  i first started the glam and started doing my makeup
    when i first started doing my makeup and got the hang of it was December of last year after Christmas break i started watching makeup tutorials and videos on Instagram.
  • When i tried making it into the soccer team

    When i tried making it into the soccer team
    when i tried making it into the soccer team but i did not go to tryouts and i was kind of lazy to join and i ended up not going so i missed that opportunity.
  • when i went out with my friends for a whole day

    when i went out with my friends for a whole day
    on thanksgiving break i went out with all my friends and had fun we went to the block after the block we went to main place mall and then one of us came to the idea that we should go to the beach so we went and stopped by pizza hut and bought pizza for the beach after we left and stayed their till the night it was a very fun day.
  • My favorite mexican artist and singer

    My favorite mexican artist and singer
    My favorite Mexican singer that i am obsessed with and in love is Luis coronel he is a really handsome guy.
  • My favorite Rapper

    My favorite Rapper
    My favorite rapper is lil pump i really like his music and enjoy it when i want to listen to it!
  • Favorite food

    Favorite food
    My favorite food is tacos de asada they are the best they are amazing and delicious!!!!!!!!!!