2000 BCE
1 Episode:
Hailey sees with disgust the way of thinking of his classmates, who think that justice was done with the murder of the man who years ago had raped several children -
2000 BCE
Second Episode
When Hailey leaves the classroom, her boyfriend Matt stops her to make her see that what she thinks is because of the death of her brother, who was killed, but she replies that this is not the reason -
Third Episode
Hailey goes home and greets her neighbor hypocritically for courtesy, then enters her home and decides to go and look for her brother at daycare -
Fourth Episode
Hailey takes his brother home and, on his return, decides to take him to the games and enjoy a delicious ice cream. -
Fifth Episode
Hailey's father finds her asleep on the couch and gets up to go to her bed -
Sixth Episode
Hailey asks his father to allow him to help in the case of the investigation and his father allows it -
Seventh Episode
Hailey found coincidences in the three murders that will help his father capture the man who is the possible murderer -
Eight Episode
Hailey's father, seeing the possibility of finding the murderer, decides to go to the station to discuss the case with the officers, who were surprised to hear it.