Adolfo Luis Strach Urioste
- 24 years *Student agronomy
- Graduate Stella Maris
Eduardol José Strauch Urioste
- 25 years
- student architecture *graduate Stella Maris
Daniel Fernandez Strauch
- 26 years
- student agronomy *he traveled with cousins
Javier Alfredo Methol Abal
- 36 years
- married to liliana Vavarro
- cousin panchito Abal
Alfredo Daniel Delgado Salaverri
- 24 years *student law *classmate the Gastón Castemalle
José Pedro Algorta Durán
- 21 years
- student economic sciences
Fernando Seler Parrado Dolgay
- 21 years
- student engineering
- Parther Rafel Echevarrer in school
Ramón Sabella
- 21 years
- student agronomy
- Parther Rafael Echeverrer in school
Roberto Fernando Francois Alvares
- 20 years
- student agriculture
- graduate Stella Maris
Rafael Alex Harley Sanchez
- years
- student engineering goods
- graduate Stella Maris
Roberto Jorge Canessa Urta
- 19 Years
- His second year of medical school
Gustavo Zerbino Stajanos
- 19 years
- student medicina
- Playing "Oldo cristians."
Alvaro Mangino Schmid
- 19 years *graduate school Mennais *Playing rugby "Carrasco polo"
Antonio Vizintin Brandi
- 19 years
- Student law
- graduate Stella Maris
José Luis Nicolas Iniciate Vasquez
- 24 years
- student agronomy graduate 1964 Stella Maris
Carlos Miguel Paez Rodriguez
- 19 years
- graduate Christian Brothers Collage
- Student working al the university uruguay