Alice in wonderland plotline

By Daan123
  • Down the Rabbit-hole

    Alice follows the rabbit into the rabbit hole and ends up in the hall. She drank something that made her shrink, She forgot to take the key which leads outside, so she ate a cake she found that made her grow again.
  • The Pool of Tears

    The cake she ate, made Alice really big. She starts crying out of frustration, creating a pool of tears. Then she becomes tiny again, but the key is still out of reach. Alice talks to a mouse, but she immediately ruins the conversation. Alice and the mouse swim to the shore, where the mouse reveals his sad story.
  • A caucus-Race and a Long Tale

    The Dodo decides to hold a Caucus-Race, which entails running in circles for 30 minutes. The Dodo declares everyone winner. Alice hands out prizes. The mouse tells another story, causing a misunderstanding.
  • The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill

    Alice comes across the White Rabbit, who thinks she is his housemaid. He asks her to get him new gloves and a new fan. Surprisingly, Alice cooperates. She goes to the house of the Rabbit, where she finds a bottle that she decides to drink. She instantly grew to the size of the house. Some animals throw pebbles at her, that turn into cakes.Alice eats a cake and shrinks again. She sees a mushroom and a caterpillar.
  • Advice from a Caterpillar

    Àlice meets the caterpillar and has a confusion conversation with it. The caterpillar startes that one side of the mushroom will make Alice grow, and the other side will make her shrink. She decided to alternatingly eat from the different sides, so she could finetune her height for wonderland.
  • Pig and Pepper

    Alice visits a house, and she hears someone scream inside. She goes inside, and she sees the cook making a soup with lots of pepper in the kitchen. The duchess is also present, she has a screaming baby that she hands over to Alice. Alice takes the baby outside. the baby turns into a pig.
  • A mad Tea-Party

    Alice visits the house of the mad-hatter and meets the March Hare, Mad hatter and Doormouse there at a tea party. Since the time does not work for the Mad hatter’s watch anymore, the time is always the same. Later on, she finds a tree with a door in it. When she goes through the door, she sees the garden of the Queen of Hearts.
  • The Queen's Croquet-Ground

    Alice is still in the garden of the Queen of Hearts. She sees three gardeners, Two, Five and Seven by name, paint the roses red. But, they planted some white roses. They know that the queen will have them beheaded for this, but Alice helps them. Later on in the chapter, Alice plays croquet with the queen, but the Cheshire cat appears (and vanishes as regards his body), so the game is interrupted and the king/queen of hearts have an argument about the beheading of the Cheshire cat.
  • The Mock Turtle's Story

    The queen takes Alice to the Gryphon. The gryphon takes Alice to the Mock Turtle, where they have a conversation about Mock Turtle soup. They tell her stories about their time at their school which was located beneath the sea.
  • The Lobster Quadrille

    The Mock Turtle is sad because Alice doesn't know what a Lobster Quadrille is. The Mok Turtle and the Gryphon decided to demonstrate. Afterwards, they go to the trial which was to start soon.
  • Who stole the Tarts?

    The trial begins, and the king (judge) and 12 jurors accuse the Knave of Hearts of having stolen the tarts of the queen of hearts. However, the evidence is very bad. Alice again begins to grow larger.
  • Alice's Evidence

    The queen calls Alice nearly 2 miles high as she is called to the witness stand. Due to her growing, she breaks rule 42 dictating that everyone larger than a mile should leave the court. When she disobeys all cards attack her and she wakes up, finding out everything was a dream