Alfred North Whitehead

  • Beginning of Alfred North Whitehead.

    Alfred Whitehead was born on the 15th of February, 1861, from a Anglican clergyman by the name of Alfred Whitehead and by Maria Sarah Whitehead. In the year 1880, Alfred Whitehead enters Trinity College, Cambridge. He would go on to graduate in 1884 and was elected a Fellow of Trinity College in that same year.
  • Early 1900's.

    Whitehead, along with his companion, Russell, had both completed books on the foundations of mathematics. With an overlapping of research for a second book, both men decided to collaborate on a book that would come to be known as the Principia Mathematica 1910b, 1912, 1913 (with Bertrand Russell), Principia Mathematica, 3 volumes, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Einstein.

    Being a critic of Einstein's GTR, Whitehead decided to come up with his own alternative, an alternative that would pass "the narrow gauge", which tests a theory's empirical adequacy, as well as "the broad gauge", which tests its coherence with our basic intuitions. Whitehead was able to meet with Einstein in 1921 and discuss said matters, before publishing a book called The Principle of Relativity. 1922 [2004], The Principle of Relativity with Applications to Physical Science, Cambridge:
  • Ending of Alfred Whitehead.

    In the year 1924, Alfred went to work at Harvard, where he delivered Harvard's prestigious Lowell Lectures. Said lectures formed the basis for Science and the Modern World which lead to Whitehead's most comprehensive metaphysical work called Process and Reality. Alfred continued to teach at Harvard till his retirement in 1937. He died peacefully on the 30th of December, 1947. 2017, The Harvard Lectures of Alfred North Whitehead 1924–1925: Philosophical Presuppositions of Science