alexis hatcher, timeline

  • 451

    germans & romans beat atiila the hun at catalarinische feilds

  • Jun 20, 1212

    french & spanish crusaders unite against the almohaden at toledo

  • Jun 20, 1567

    jews are expelled from brazil by order of regent don henrique

  • england issues its 1st stamp, 1p queen victora

  • queen victora at 18 asends british throne follwing death of uncle king william 4th ruled 63 years ending 1901

  • NAACP incorporates new york

  • californa angels freddie patek hits 3HRs & doubles to beat sox 20-2

  • bomb attack on islamic temple in mashed iran[ 70 killed]

  • oj simpson arraigned on a murder of nicole simpson & ronald golman

  • space shuttle STS 78 [colmbia 20] launches into space

  • my mom lost a baby -1

  • my mom lost a baby

  • I was born june 20 2002

  • tinus osendarp the dutch runner deid

  • my cusion rode her first ride in the car [we just came for the hostpital

  • my dog duke deid