
Alexandria's Idealistic Timeline

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    I was born in Hot Springs, AR as a jaundice baby and had a hole in my throat that would've needed surgery if it didn't close up soon. I laid in a light therapy suitcase for about a month or so, the hole sealed up as much as it could and they said that it didn't need surgery.
  • Period: to

    High School Experience

    I first started High School at Jessieville High and felt extremely unwelcomed by my fellow students, I transferred back to Hot Springs High, I missed all my friends here and enjoy this school a lot more. I struggled in my 4 years but I made everything work.
  • I'm 18

    I'm 18
    I FINALLY turned 18! I've been waiting for that day forever. On my 18th birthday I went out to eat with family and spent the rest of the day with my boyfriend and roommates, watched movies and stayed lazy. The following next two days I got my license.
  • My FIRST car

    My FIRST car
    I got my first car ever, I may have financed it but I felt very proud of myself for it. It runs very smoothly, and the guy was very nice.
  • Senior Prom

    Senior Prom
    Prom was as they tell you it would be, it was magical and beautiful. I wore a gold, sparkly, backless, and strapless dress with pearls flowing down my back. My hair was dark brown and curly with sparkly pins, pinning some hair down. My date was my handsome boyfriend who wore a white and black tux, we slow danced the night away.
  • Graduation 2018!

    Graduation 2018!
    I graduated High School! How exciting?! Next is college! On this day, I wore a black dress that had orange/redish flowers all around it, it was kind of tight and the shoulders were cut off. I wore my black vans along with that dress, heels would've killed my feet from standing for hours!
  • Period: to

    College Experience

    I started National Park College. I'm majoring in Social Studies for K-6. I obtained my Bachelors Degree, after transferring from NPC to University of Central Arkansas in Conway. I got my BA!
  • Just Married

    Just Married
    I got married in 2023. I married my best friend, we had the most beautiful wedding. It was an outside wedding with flowers and stones everywhere, there was ponds with a waterfall above it. All our friends and family we're there and cried with joy, along with us.
  • Mason

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    Baby Mason

    I had my first child when I was 24, the baby was a boy and we named him Mason Ray. He was born with his dad's hair and mom's eyes. Brown hair and blue eyes, a perfect combination. In this timespan, he grew his teeth in, learned to walk, and he loves to go outside every chance he gets. He takes after his dad for the meantime but he's definitely a mamma's boy.
  • Jasmine

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    My second child was a girl, Jasmine Renea, she came when I was 26. She looked a lot more like me, blonde hair and blue eyes. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. She likes to draw, anywhere, and she already loves her toy instruments. I see her becoming a very artist/creative women.