

  • Alexandra (Lesia) Jizerski is born

    Alexandra (Lesia) Jizerski is born
  • Germans invade Ukraine

  • Alexandra marries Kost Melnyk in Vienna

    Alexandra marries Kost Melnyk in Vienna
    While the Americans were bombing Vienna at the end of the war, Lesia was secretly, well sort of, marring Kost Melnyk. Lesia's father and Lesia didn't know each other's whereabouts. Right before the wedding was to start, Lesia's father burst into the church shouting,"Idiot! Idiot! Any idiot can get married!" Kost had to promise that Lesia would return to school. Lesia would not only finish her bacheulor in chemistry in Germany, but go on to a master and Ph.D.
  • Arcadia (Lesia's daughter) is born

    Arcadia (Lesia's daughter) is born
  • Lesia and family arrive to America

  • Rusty Melnyk is born

  • Kost Melnyk dies

    Kost Melnyk dies
  • Lesia marries Vikor Kulish