356 BCE
Alexander was born in Pella -
344 BCE
Bucephalus was Alexander's horse and one of his favorites. When he first met the horse no one else could tame it except for him. -
343 BCE
Aristotle was summoned by King Philip II to tutor Alexander and accepts the offer. -
340 BCE
After graduating from Aristotle, Alexander joins his fathers army -
338 BCE
Alexander leads the attack against the Thebans -
337 BCE
King Philip marries Cleopatra Eurydice. This act angers Alexander and his mom because if they were to have a baby, that baby would rule over Alexander. Alexander and his mom flee -
336 BCE
Death of Philip II
A body guard of King Philip, Pocanious was jealous that King Philip chose a new body guard over him and assassinates King Philip. -
334 BCE
Alexander and Persia
Alexander and his troops travel to fight Persia and are greatly underestimated by them, but Persia gets beat badly. -
333 BCE
The Gordian Knot
This knot was thought to be impossible to untie, and that whoever unties it will rule all of Asia. Alexander pulls out his sword and slices the knot in half. -
332 BCE
Alexander tries to go to a temple in Tyre, but is refused because the people thought that it would be a trap and that he'd try and take it from them. This angers Alexander and he gathers his troops and fights for 7 months till he wins. He kills everyone there, but the people who were in the temple. -
332 BCE
After Alexander conquers Syria, he goes south and easily conquers Egypt -
331 BCE
Alexander is on the hunt for Darius and meets him at Gaugamela. Alexander overwhelms him and his troops and forces Darius to flee conquering Babylon. -
327 BCE
Husband and Wife
After conquering Iraq and capturing the prince, Alexander gets married to Roxana who was the princes daughter. -
324 BCE
Hepheastion was one of Alexanders closest friends and died -
323 BCE
Alexander comes down with mild fever which then turned into a mysterious illness killing him